Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Ericsson’s IoT Accelerator

Bring the Internet of Things to life in your industry.

Ericsson’s IoT Accelerator is a suite of software and services with three components, an IoT Platform, a Marketplace and Local Professional Services offering Utilities, Public Safety, Transport and Smart Sustainable Cities the possibility to build IoT solutions easier and faster than ever before.

IoT Accelerator

Countless studies have tried to quantify the impact that IoT will have. Some focus on the cost aspect, others on the value to society. A recent Gartner study projects that IoT will create an additional value of USD 1.9 trillion by 2020. And while we are yet to see the true capabilities and value of IoT for people, industry, and society, one thing is for sure – the opportunities it brings seem endless.

At Ericsson, we have been building IoT solutions for Utilities, Public Safety, Transport and Smart Sustainable Cities for years: 50 million smart devices are already enabled by platforms developed, operated, or maintained by Ericsson.

The pace of change within IoT is immediate and unrelenting. So, operating in this space means taking advantage of opportunities, building solutions, and quickly integrating them into the ecosystem.

At the same time, we realize that complexities, start-up costs, and lengthy projects are preventing our customers from deploying IoT solutions and services on a mass scale.

Not anymore. Ericsson’s IoT Accelerator separates the application logic from the other IoT solution capabilities and minimizes integration work. Development tools, APIs, and a collaboration environment for ecosystem partners, enables your business to develop, test, deploy, and integrate faster and easier than ever before.

What is IoT Accelerator?

Ericsson’s IoT Accelerator is a suite of software and services with three components, an IoT Platform, a Marketplace and Local Professional Services.

IoT Platform
The IoT platform’s capabilities include data management, billing, device management, connectivity services and analytics. IoT Accelerator leverages the Ericsson Cloud System to support hybrid cloud deployments. The platform is offered as a service to enable customers to overcome the barriers of cost and complexity.

The Ericsson IoT Marketplace is both a repository of apps and a collaborative development site. It allows companies to develop solutions in close cooperation with ecosystem partners and – optionally – make them available to their own customers.

Local Professional Services
The offering includes Ericsson’s complete portfolio of services, including everything from initial setup services to business consulting, application development and maintenance, systems integration and industry transformation services.

Why choose IoT Accelerator?

Our IoT Accelerator offering breaks down the traditional silos encountered by businesses developing IoT solutions to provide faster development and time-to-market, deployment flexibility and global scale.

Simplicity = innovation
This offering includes a platform rich in functionality that allows for the creation of Proof of Concepts in days depending on the complexity. Quick creation means a quicker time-to-market for your solution, enabling operational efficiencies and cost-reduction in the development stages.

Revenues can be easily distributed between eco systems partners. Already today we are handling transactions for 26 different services on the airport-Chicago O’Hare covering aviation, advertising and utilities!

Data Sovereignty
IoT Accelerator leverages the Ericsson Cloud System to support hybrid cloud deployments and meet data sovereignty and security requirements.


Les médias du groupe Finyear

Vendredi 13 Mai 2016