Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Blockchain : la Tunisie remplace son eDinar par une monnaie virtuelle

Tunisia to Replace Its National Digital Currency, eDinar, With Blockchain-Driven Monetas Currency.

Tunisia will be the first country in the world to issue its national currency via advanced Blockchain technology according to Monetas CEO Johann Gevers in an interview with African technology portal TechMoran on Mobile Money and Blockchain.

Today more than 3 million Tunisians are excluded from the financial system, but more than 600,000 are already using the official digital eDinar. With the La Poste Tunisienne app powered by Monetas, eDinar will be used to make instant mobile money transfers, pay for goods and services online and in person, send remittances, pay bills, manage official government identification documents, and more. Total transaction fees will be of negligible cost, even from amounts less than a fraction of a dinar, and in most cases fees are paid by merchants. The maximum fee paid on a transaction will be less that 1 dinar. La Poste Tunisienne will strictly control the issuance and circulation of the eDinar in order to prevent it from being used for illegal transactions.

Tunisia to become first in the world to issue its national currency via advanced cryptofinance tech.

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Mercredi 6 Janvier 2016

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