Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Blockchain 2.0: What’s in store for the two ends—semiconductors (suppliers) and industrials (consumers)?

Ten years after blockchain’s inception, it is presenting new opportunities for both suppliers, such as semiconductor companies, and consumers, such as industrials.

Blockchain is best known as a sophisticated and somewhat mysterious technology that allows cryptocurrencies to change hands online without assistance from banks or other intermediaries. But in recent years, it has also been promoted as the solution to business issues ranging from fraud management to supply-chain monitoring to identity verification. Despite the hype, however, blockchain’s use in business is still largely theoretical. A few pioneers in retail and other sectors are exploring blockchain business applications related to supply-chain management and other processes, but most are reluctant to proceed further because of high costs, unclear returns, and technical difficulties.

But we may now be at a transition point between Blockchain 1.0 and Blockchain 2.0. In the new era, blockchain-enabled cryptocurrency applications will likely cede their prominence to blockchain business applications that can potentially increase efficiency and reduce costs. These applications will be in a good position to gain steam since many large tech companies may soon begin offering blockchain as a service (BaaS). Rather than just providing the hardware layer, as they’ve traditionally done, these companies will extend their services up the technology stack to blockchain platforms and tools. As blockchain deployment becomes...

Read more: Blockchain 2.0: What’s in store for the two ends

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Chaineum Capital Partners - Blockchain Investment Banking
Chaineum Capital Partners est une banque d'affaires indépendante spécialisée blockchain et technologies disruptives.
Chaineum Capital Partners is an independent advisory firm for the blockchain industry and disruptive technologies.
Corporate finance advisory & services: due diligence, valuation, ICO, STO, fundraising, capital raising, M&A.
France (Besançon - Paris) + Switzerland (Neuchâtel - Geneva) + Worldwide Partners.

Mardi 29 Janvier 2019