Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

BitCourt, a blockchain technology for contracts and transparency

BitCourt is a contract and transparency platform using blockchain technology where parties can sign and notarize contracts, resolve disputes, manage calls for tenders and many more custom-made solutions.

BitCourt allows you to notarize any document, linking it to your personal or corporate identity, signing, timestamping and creating a publicly verifiable proof of its authenticity without exposing its contents.

The company was founded in May, 2015 by Gonzalo Blousson (CEO), a programmer and entrepreneur with a previous working experience in the banking industry; Federico Bond (CTO), software engineer graduated from Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires; and Franco Amati (CMO), IT consultant who has been promoting bitcoin in Argentina since 2011.

One of the main challenges for BitCourt is to “make transparency, audit and notary services simpler and accessible, having them readily available at any moment, for any type of contract, document, or record”, co-founders say.

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Lundi 23 Novembre 2015