Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

gtnews Readers' Poll : Financial Professionals Affirm SEPA is a Business Priority in 2008

gtnews publishes 10-part focus on SEPA examining the challenges and implementation issues that both banks and corporate practitioners face this year

As the move to the single euro payments area (SEPA) continues, a gtnews readers' poll reveals that both banks and corporate financial professionals view SEPA as a business priority this year. Four out of five bank respondents (82%) and almost two-thirds (61%) of corporate respondents affirm that preparation and compliance with SEPA is a business priority for their organizations in 2008.

In a comprehensive examination of SEPA progress to date, today gtnews has published a 10-part focus analyzing the impact of this landmark payments initiative, which takes a close look at implementation challenges facing both banks and corporate financial professionals. The focus includes eight articles, a progress report on the recently launched SEPA Credit Transfer, as well as a Q&A on corporate concerns regarding SEPA.

SEPA is a major catalyst for change across information technology, operations and commercial relationships within the European payments industry. This gtnews focus provides valuable analysis and advice for anyone who wishes to better understand SEPA.

Following the introduction of SEPA, any individual or entity will be able to make and receive standardized payments in euros, within guaranteed time frames, irrespective of national borders within the single euro payments area. SEPA will give users of SEPA payment instruments similar ease of
use, transparency and pricing for cross-border payments as they currently enjoy for their domestic payments.

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gtnews is a global knowledge resource for over 60,000 treasury, payments and cash management professionals who have access to the archive of almost 3,000 articles, plus special reports, commentaries, surveys, polls, news, ratings updates and whitepapers. The site's editorial policy is to
encourage experts to share their knowledge on key issues facing treasury and finance professionals resulting from changes in regulations, technology and the pursuit of internal efficiencies. gtnews is updated weekly.

Mercredi 26 Mars 2008