Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Actus

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (by Satoshi Nakamoto) - 21 Décembre 2015

En 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto a publié un document intitulé “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, qui décrit les détails conceptuels et techniques d'un système de paiement qui permettrait aux...

Blockchain: illustration of how a sidechain works (Blockstream) - 21 Décembre 2015

Blockstream, a group comprising some of the best-known cryptocurrency developers, on Tuesday released the first product to come out of its effort to address some of bitcoin’s perceived weaknesses and...

Top 10 challenges for investment banks in 2016: Blockchain technology - 21 Décembre 2015

By Beat Monnerat, Senior Managing Director of Financial Services for Asia-Pacific, Accenture | Dec. 16, 2015. It seems everyone is now talking about blockchain technology — and no surprise given it...

Blockchain: new transaction network will be developed by IBM and Wells Fargo - 21 Décembre 2015

Tech and Financial Giants Back New Blockchain Consortium. Bitcoin’s blockchain technology is being eyed by various major players in the financial and technology sectors. A new transaction network...

Beyond the hype: Blockchains in capital markets - 21 Décembre 2015

December 2015 — Blockchains have the potential to dramatically reshape the capital markets industry, with significant impact on business models, reductions in risk and savings of cost and capital....

Exploring the potential of Blockchain - 18 Décembre 2015

The Caisse des Dépôts group launched an innovation lab (Paris) in partnership with eleven sector players, including AXA. This initiative aims at exploring the impacts and opportunities offered by the...

Blockchain Use Cases - 18 Décembre 2015

Comprehensive Analysis & Startups Involved. The concept of blockchain has energized the financial services industry globally. The interest of financial institutions on blockchain is quite evident...

Ethereum : guide du débutant Ethereum - 18 Décembre 2015

Decentral Canada vous propose une infographie “Guide pour les débutants Ethereum”.

What's the Blockchain, and Why Does Bitcoin Depend On It? - 18 Décembre 2015

It’s going to unshackle us from the oppressive dungeon of fiat currency! But also criminals and rogue cops use it to do nefarious drug stuff! Digital currency is often defined by its volatile hype...

Corporate Governance and Blockchains - 18 Décembre 2015

By David Yermack, New York University (NYU) professor. Blockchains represent a novel application of cryptography and information technology to age-old problems of financial record-keeping, and they...
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