Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Actus

BNP Paribas s’intéresse de près à Blockchain - 18 Février 2016

La technologie Blockchain, clé de voûte de la monnaie virtuelle Bitcoin, pourrait booster le développement de nombreuses innovations dans le monde de la banque. Un enjeu que BNP Paribas a appréhendé...

Decentralized applications and sidechain platform Lisk is pleased to announce a partnership with the well-established crypto-currency exchange ShapeShift - 18 Février 2016

Set to launch at the end of March 2016, decentralized applications and sidechain platform ‘Lisk’, is the next logical step in the evolution of blockchain technology. Lisk will allow rapid development...

The 21 Bitcoin Computer ships to Canada - 18 Février 2016

We’re happy to announce that the 21 Bitcoin Computer is now officially shipping to its first destination outside of the United States. You can now get started with the easiest way to learn Bitcoin,...

IBM Delivers Blockchain-As-A-Service for Developers; Commits to Making Blockchain Ready for Business - 17 Février 2016

New IBM Cloud Services Help Developers Put Blockchain Code to Work. IBM Garages in London, New York, Singapore and Tokyo to Help Banking and Financial Services and other Industries Start Using...

Blockchain : Japon Exchange Group et IBM Japon démarrent des tests de Proof of Concept - 17 Février 2016

Japon Exchange Group, Inc. (JPX) et IBM Japon ont convenu d'entamer conjointement des tests de Proof of Concept (PoC) sur la technologie blockchain (distributed ledger). La technologie Blockchain...

Le Gouverneur de la Banque populaire de Chine parle blockchain et crypto-monnaies - 17 Février 2016

Plusieurs banques centrales ont manifesté leur intérêt pour le lancement de leurs propres monnaies numériques et la Banque populaire de Chine (PBoC) est à la pointe de ce mouvement. La PBoC a...

Bitcoin: AlfaCashier Launches Merchant Feature On Its Service - 17 Février 2016

AlfaCashier has recently launched a new feature for merchants, which provides a quick and easy way to start accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for business. The new feature offers a fast...

EPAM Builds Team of Specialists to Unlock the Vast Potential of Blockchain Technology - 17 Février 2016

EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE:EPAM), a leading global provider of product development and software engineering solutions, announced today that a global team of experts will be focused on identifying and...

The digital agenda of virtual currencies: Can BitCoin become a global currency? - 16 Février 2016

An epic paper on the Bitcoin feasilibity and future by Pavel Ciaian, Miroslava Rajcaninova, d’Artis Kancs. This paper identifies and analyzes BitCoin features which may facilitate BitCoin to become a...

Bitcoin vs Ethereum vs Ripple the race for the most adaptive blockchain has started - 16 Février 2016

by ethereum-ripple-bitcoin-raceStrange, interesting, and wildly ambitious things are afoot in the world of Bitcoin and blockchains. I give you Zerocash, a completely anonymous currency;...
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