Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Actus

Russian banks create blockchain consortium - 8 Juillet 2016

A group of Russian banks have banded together to create a national blockchain consortium to rival the international R3CEV collective. QIWI Group, Accenture, BINBANK, MDM Bank, Bank Otkritie, and...

Blockchain, distributed ledger technology : transforming financial services - 8 Juillet 2016

The topics of digitalisation and blockchain have dominated the headlines over the past months. But what will be the economic impact of these market developments? What are the potential benefits and...

Blockchain : Premier prototype développé par Stratumn et Deloitte sur Facebook - 8 Juillet 2016

Deloitte noue un partenariat technologique avec Stratumn, startup française leader dans les solutions blockchain pour développer la technologie sur des usages dans les services financiers. Le premier...

Blockchain : de la frénésie au prototype – Out of the blocks - 7 Juillet 2016

Alors que de nombreux secteurs d’activité surveillent avec attention le développement de la technologie blockchain, c’est l’industrie des services financiers qui est à l’avant-garde de l’innovation....

Japanese Crypto Exchange Zaif Adds XEM as Blockchain Project NEM Names its CEO a Japan Director - 6 Juillet 2016

Zaif Exchange, a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, today announced that it has added another currency into its trading platform. The cryptocurrency - XEM – has seen a meteoric rise in its value in...

Believe the Hype: Blockchain Is the Next Frontier for Banking (SAP) - 6 Juillet 2016

When bitcoin was released in 2009, it fundamentally changed the way that people think about money and financial transactions. And while bitcoin never became as universal as it hoped to be, the system...

Xinhua Insight: Blockchain technology expected to transform financial sector - 6 Juillet 2016

Few hands rose when the audience attending one Summer Davos sub-forum on financial technology (fintech) were asked whether they believe GDP would be counted in bitcoins ten years later. However,...

Vontobel émet un certificat basé sur le #bitcoin à la Bourse suisse - 5 Juillet 2016

La Banque Vontobel lance la souscription d'un certificat basé sur la monnaie virtuelle bitcoin. Vontobel est le premier émetteur helvétique d'un certificat de ce type, a indiqué lundi l'institut dans...

Blockchain Named Technology Pioneer by World Economic Forum - 5 Juillet 2016

Blockchain Recognized for its Commitment to Creating an Open, Accessible and Fair Financial Future. Blockchain, the world’s leading provider of block chain technology, was today named a World...

The CIO’s Guide to Blockchain – Distributed Ledger Platform - 5 Juillet 2016

Blockchain is only the first step in a future of distributed ledger platforms that enable the programmable economy. If you’re a CIO, blockchain probably crossed your radar screen a few years ago with...
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