Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

Comment la montée des cryptomonnaies façonne le paysage de la cybercriminalité : l’utilisation de l’infrastructure Blockchain - 14 Juin 2018

Par David GROUT, Director Technical - PreSales, South EMEA FireEye. Les cybercriminels ont toujours été attirés par les cryptomonnaies parce qu'elles offrent un certain degré d'anonymat et peuvent...

Introducing Part 3 of The Blockchain Economy serialised book – Investing in The Blockchain Economy - 14 Juin 2018

by Bernard Lunn. History does not repeat, but it does rhyme. Blockchain is like 1993 - early days of the Web before the Netscape browser helped the Web go mainstream. That mantra has been repeated so...

Blockchain Gives Hope for Unbiased News - 11 Juin 2018

by Saurabh Chaturvedi Since the 2016 US election, the debate over valid news coverage has heated up. People quarrel over each-other news’ sources, often by calling out the now-famous terms like “fake...

Initial Coin Offering…pas si simple en pratique ! - 4 Juin 2018

Depuis 2016, les Initial coin offering (« ICO ») agitent les pensées de nombreux entrepreneurs qui y voient, à juste titre, une nouvelle méthode de financement, la plupart du temps sans dilution en...

Blockchain Smart Contracts leads to a near term boom but decimates the entry level legal jobs on which the industry depends - 30 Mai 2018

by Bernard Lunn. The near term legal boom is obvious to anybody involved with cryptocurrencies and ICOs where a substantial legal budget gets allocated early in a startup life, alongside tech and...

La face cachée du smart contract, ou l’angle mort de l’automatisation juridique - 29 Mai 2018

En 1954, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon écrivait : « la Bourse est le temple de la Spéculation. [Elle] est le monument par excellence de la société moderne. » Ce phénomène de spéculation n’a, en effet, eu de...

Can ofo better manage their sharing bikes by tapping into blockchain? - 25 Mai 2018

by Zarc Gin. Ofo, the Chinese bike-sharing unicorn, has announced to establish a blockchain research institute on May 17th. They want to implement blockchain technology in a global scale to boost and...

Security Token elephant in the Wall Street Boardroom - 24 Mai 2018

by Bernard Lunn. This is Part 2/chapter 6 in The Blockchain Economy serialised book. For the index please go here. In Part 1, two chapters/posts focus on infrastructural questions related to Security...

Deux mots sur l’augmentation et la dépréciation de la valeur des cryptomonnaies - 23 Mai 2018

Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin… les ambassadeurs de la monnaie 2.0 sont partout mais résonnent avec une consonnance différente pour chacun d’entre nous. En effet, quelle définition donner à un ensemble...

Paris EUROPLACE: impacts of distributed ledgers and blockchain technology on market activities - 23 Mai 2018

As part of its effort to reinforce the attractiveness of the French regulatory framework, Paris EUROPLACE released a white paper on blockchain. This document identifies, for the activities of...
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