Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

The Six Lives of A Token and Why Simplicity Wins Understanding and Change - 6 Mai 2019

By William Mougayar. Just because the SEC continues to pretend there is nothing new with tokens, and tags most of them as securities, doesn’t mean that tokens are doomed and have no future except for...

Will Bitcoin go from Crypto Winter to China Crisis? - 30 Avril 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. TLDR. Bitcoin’s popularity has grown over the last decade and has become an increasingly attractive target for adversaries of all kinds. One of the most powerful potential...

Blockchain technology and Self-stabilising systems - 26 Avril 2019

By Ben van Lier - Centric. In 1954, one of the pioneers behind cybernetics, W. Ross Ashby, defined homeostasis as behaviour of interconnected machines that “is adaptive if it maintains the essential...

How Ethereum Could Evolve - 24 Avril 2019

By William Mougayar. Aside from Bitcoin, Ethereum is the most important blockchain platform. It has undoubtedly inspired and moved the whole crypto market forward. Five and half years into its...

Blockchain : un potentiel enfin reconnu par les investisseurs - 17 Avril 2019

La Paris Blockchain Week bat son plein cette semaine. À l'initiative d'acteurs publics et privés, une série de conférences et de tables rondes sont organisées dans la capitale sur les opportunités et...

Bonnes pratiques mises en place par les exchanges de crypto-monnaies - 17 Avril 2019

L’histoire de la crypto-monnaie a été perturbée par de nombreux incidents qui ont eu un impact considérable sur l’industrie dans son ensemble. L'un des plus marquant est sans doute le piratage de Mt....

The SEC Framework for Investment Contract Analysis of Digital Assets - 4 Avril 2019

By William Mougayar. The SEC has just released an 11-page statement with an analysis pertaining to digital assets being offered and sold as an investment contract. The report is titled Framework for...

Is a 51% attack a real issue? - 3 Avril 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. In 2018, cryptocurrency hackers earned $20M with 51% attacks, The report by Group-IB, showed that in 5 incidents last year, hackers walked away with $19.5 million worth of...

La Banque Publique d'Investissement Blockchain va investir 100 milliards d'euros sur 3 mois - 1 Avril 2019

Alors que la France a œuvré pour décrocher le leadership dans le domaine de la technologie blockchain, elle va désormais investir massivement. Nous apprenons de source sûre ce midi que la France va...

IBM World wire – the inevitable rise of Centralized Blockchains - 26 Mars 2019

by Arun Krishnakumar. 72 countries, 47 currencies, 44 banking endpoints and more than 1081 unique currency trading pairs. IBM Blockchain World Wire is here. In the last four weeks, we have had JPM...
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