Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

Is Bitcoin energy money? - 26 Avril 2021

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. IMAGE SOURCE Two weeks after bitcoin was created, Satoshi Nakamoto wrote: “It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that...

Combining Blockchain and IoT - 26 Avril 2021

The internet of things (IoT) is one of prevalent factor in the growth of technology markets such as smart cities, Industry 4.0 ect. Sensors and remotely controlled systems are becoming a standard for...

Enterprise Blockchain Protocols Evolution Index 2021 - 21 Avril 2021

Enterprise blockchain jumps 40% in 2020, with 90% of all activities coming from 3 clear leaders: Corda, Ethereum-based protocols and Hyperledger Fabric. The Enterprise Blockchain Protocols Evolution...

Are crypto startups less risky now? - 19 Avril 2021

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. IMAGE SOURCE While the crypto industry is still in its infancy, lately it’s been seeing a lot of growth. Venture capital funding in crypto and blockchain startups is expected...

La course aux monnaies digitales est lancée et les banques centrales misent fort sur la blockchain - 15 Avril 2021

Première édition du baromètre PwC Global CBDC Index 2021. Téléchargez le baromètre en fin d'article. La monnaie fiduciaire est de moins en moins utilisée avec la généralisation des paiements par...

Déclaration d’impôts 2020, comment déclarer ses bitcoins ? - 14 Avril 2021

Par Karl Toussaint du Wast, co-fondateur de la marketplace netinvestissement. Alors que la « saison de la déclaration annuelle de revenus » est sur le point d’ouvrir, vous êtes de plus en plus...

Taking a dive into the bitcoin pool this week - 12 Avril 2021

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. IMAGE SOURCE Scanning the news this weekend there were plenty of interesting stories and we’ll be discussing three: central bank digital currencies, privacy and payments....

Les annonces d'Elon MUSK vont-elles doper le Bitcoin ? L'avis de Loïc SAUCE, Professeur d'économie à l'ISTEC - 7 Avril 2021

L'avis de Loïc SAUCE, Professeur d'économie à l'ISTEC. Le 24 mars dernier, Elon Musk (qui se présente désormais comme le « Technoking de Tesla) annonçait sur Twitter que ses clients américains...

Interview | Crypto usability for mass adoption - 6 Avril 2021

Luke Stokes, MD, Foundation for Interwallet Operability. Who are you and how did you get involved in cryptocurrency? My name is Luke Stokes, and I bought my first bitcoin in January of 2013. I spent...

Hundred Trillion Dollar Non-Fungible Fish Token (NFFT) Saves The Global Economy - 31 Mars 2021

Z/Yen, the City of London’s leading commercial think tank, has just issued a non-fungible token in order to save the global economy. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data on a distributed...
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