Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

The blockchain voyage – from the Bitcoin network to Blockchain-as-a-Service

If you are regularly following the Tech news, you have recognized that the topic of Bitcoin/Blockchain becomes more and more hyped. As part of our activities within ICN at SAP we’ve started looking at the topic as outlined in a separate post from my colleague Raimund Gross[1].

I’m working as a software architect and have followed (still ongoing) the evolution from software installed in the customer landscape (on-premise) to the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model. Throughout this article I therefore like to share my thoughts on the topic Blockchain-as-a-Service that recently came up in the blockchain community, but let me start with my view on Bitcoin and blockchain in general.

Bitcoin – a crypto currency

Bitcoin is often referred to as digital money, a crypto currency. Basically bitcoins are a kind of digital commodity assets (I prefer not to use the term money) that is spread around the Bitcoin network, a public, distributed peer-to-peer network in which all Bitcoin transactions are...

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Mardi 8 Décembre 2015