Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

The blockchain-crypto industry is booming!

In the past few weeks, we have been hearing a lot about a decline of interest in this technologies. Well, that is not the reality and not what we noticed on the spot.

The last few weeks, Chaineum Capital Partners was present on international events and we can say that more and more people are getting interested in the blockchain and token offerings topics. We went to the « Malta Blockchain Summit » in Malta, the « Blockchain Life » in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the « World Blockchain Summit » in Dubai and on several other events in France.

Most of these conferences brought together at least 12,000 people from all walks of life, which demonstrates that the industry really has a great reach and that the interest from investors is increasing.

It is the sign that something big is preparing, something beyond what we can yet imagine, a massive seeking for innovation, transparency and improvement of the entire society.
It is not only on the speculative side of crypto, but it's also about the real-life applications possible with this technology in multiple types of industries. People are getting educated, projects are getting more professional, regulators are going towards clear guidelines and laws; these signs don't lie.

On the more practical side of the ICO market, in which we are involved, there are certainly some difficulties to raise but it is still possible to do a decent raise as long as your project is legit (team, technology, business plan, financial plan, etc.) and the operation well managed.
During our meetings, we met with a couple of entrepreneurs that are in their ICOs and that are constantly travelling to meet with new investors.
Of course, it is more professional investors than private investors, but this also shows that utility tokens are still a viable product and have a great interest from professional investors.

Regarding the rise of STOs: It is a true trend with real and concrete projects but the technical infrastructure and regulation field aren’t there yet and we believe that the 1st quarter of 2019 will be full of lessons. As to supplant ICOs, this is yet to be demonstrated as a utility token is still a safe and strategic bet in a lot of projects.

To conclude, even if the market capitalization is falling, the entire sector is making big progress and investors’ interest in well-structured projects is still very marked.

Crédit image : ©Thomas Bartel DDC by ESIEA
Crédit image : ©Thomas Bartel DDC by ESIEA
Laurent Leloup
Fondateur Finyear (Finance Daily News)
Fondateur Chaineum (ICO & STO Advisory)
Auteur de "Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance"
Traducteur, conférencier.

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Chaineum Capital Partners, independent advisory firm.
ICO & STO advisory, fundraising, capital raising, funding, private placement, M&A.

Lundi 26 Novembre 2018