Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

The Role of the Modern CFO: A Recruiter’s View

By Paul K. Herrerias, Managing Director, Stanton Chase International.

Paul K. Herrerias
Paul K. Herrerias
Through my experience recruiting and coaching CFOs across many indust r ies, over t went y-plu s years, I’ve not iced a few deviations from the timeworn roles of the CFO in comparison to what is expected of the CFO in Modern times. Recently I spoke at the Financial Executives International (FEI)’s San Francisco Chapter 2013 Annual Dinner meeting regarding the “State of the CFO.” Allow me to share some of my observations.

All CFOs are actors and sales people. Just ask any one of them. They have many faces and roles they play internally and externally to their organizations. Some roles are consistent over time. Others are new and evolving. Additionally, role priorit y changes over time to accommodate an ever-fluctuating economicclimate, shifts in leader ship , consumer behavior, product line maturity, or team personnel, among other factors. Today, we see eight recurring themes, or roles, that CFOs are required to play due to the current mix of trends in the United States :


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Lundi 27 Mai 2013