Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

The 4th Edition of well-known Crypto and Blockchain World Expo is finally here!

We are proud to announce that the CRYPTOCURRENCY WORLD EXPO will take place on
 6-7th of December 2018.

This Summit will take place in the financial heart of Europe: 
London, UK

The hosting venue is one of the biggest movie halls of London, the Cineworld, O2 Arena
Over 1200 participants will have the opportunity to meet and listen with the representatives of some top world’s organizations connected deeply with Crypto Currency and Blockchain.

The London Summit will be attended by the full gamut of the cryptocurrency sector, from the biggest exchanges to brokers, investors, payments providers, fin-tech, miners, traders, ICO participants, blockchain developers, and crypto maniacs.

According to our tradition, the conference will include the awarding of participants. Each summit has new nominations, depending on our sponsors and their area of work.

In addition to that, we have a “Round Table Discussion” where we invite leaders of the industry to join us for a debate on significant topics. London Summit will have two main topics for the panel: “Security Token” and “OTC trading”, both topics are widely discussed in the current world of digital assets.

Pre Registration and networking – 6th of December. If you do not like to wait in a long queue, you can come the day before.

Pre Registration and networking starts at 6 PM.
Conference day – 7th of December
Congress starts at 10 AM to 7 PM. Registration from 9 AM.

Tickets are on sale now, with the Early Bird prices.

Don't miss out on a great opportunity to explore the world’s knowledge of Crypto Currency

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Links to the previous events:
Berlin - March 2018: - 1300 Visitors, 59 Speakers, 49 Exhibitors.

Warsaw - December 2017: - 1400 Visitors, 35 Speakers, 27 Exhibitors.

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Mercredi 17 Octobre 2018