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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Surging nanomedicine investments improve global healthcare and pandemic protection

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Avertissement : Le texte ci-dessous est un communiqué de presse qui n'a pas été rédigé par

COVID-19’s outbreak has coincided with investments flooding into nanomedicine healthcare companies, according to the latest data.

Nano Magazine have highlighted a report by that the global nanomedicine market worth $141.34 billion in 2020, will rise to $258.11bn by 2025.

The report also highlights a huge upsurge of investment support from governments and funds to develop nano therapies for vaccines, diagnostic imaging, regenerative medicine, and drug delivery following the impact of COVID-19.

Furthermore, nanomedicines offer huge advantages for wider healthcare also impacted by the pandemic and Long-COVID after-effects upon cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, immunological-related diseases.

This aligns with investment monitoring platform Pitchbook’s forecast that health tech investment overall will top $10 trillion by 2022 and that nanomedicine investment has grown the sector by 250% in the last five years.

Median nanotech healthcare deal sizes have also doubled since 2019, from £1 million to £2m in 2021, while the number of deals in 2020 was greater than ever, overtaking 100 deals in a single year for the first time.
Nanomedicine is transforming healthcare innovation and delivering early intervention and targeted drug delivery and testing

Nanomedicine is transforming healthcare innovation and delivering early intervention and targeted drug delivery and testing
Nanomedicine is transforming healthcare innovation and delivering early intervention and targeted drug delivery and testing
Nanomedicine is transforming healthcare innovation and delivering early intervention and targeted drug delivery and testing

Investment is already aiding innovation as nanotech researchers and scientists work to improve biomedical devices such as prosthetics, provide new cancer treatments, and develop bone healing therapies, along with more innovations that could transform global healthcare.

Nanotech researchers have found nanobodies that block the COVID-19 and, potentially, other coronaviruses from entering cells and developed mask designs at nanoscale making them both cheaper and more effective.

The fast global response to the pandemic was also enabled by nanotechnology, being pivotal in Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine development and Innova Medical Group’s 30-minute lateral flow COVID tests.

World Nano Foundation co-founder Paul Stannard said COVID-19 highlighted weaknesses in healthcare systems across the developed world, proving that long-term, innovative solutions are needed to enable change and prevent future pandemics, with nanomedicine playing an ever greater role in this transformation of global healthcare.

And while impressed by rising investments in and recognition for the nanotech sector, he warned against any let-up in this trend:

“Nanotechnology is not only crucial to our current healthcare systems, but researchers and scientists in this field are on the cusp of therapies, devices, and innovation that will revolutionise how we move forward.”

“To ensure pandemic preparedness, high-quality healthcare, and longevity, we must invest in nano healthtech and care innovations.”

His message was echoed by Kojo Annan (son of late and former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan) who is a general partner in the Luxembourg-based Vector Innovation Fund, which recently launched a sub-fund raising an initial $300m for pandemic protection and preparedness.

Annan said: “A virtuous circle is developing between investment and healthtech.

“Lately, we have seen the development of multiple vaccines, acceleration of technologies linked to decoding the genome, the rise of nanomedicine and the use of artificial intelligence to monitor infectious diseases and new pathogens.

“More investment in sustainable healthtech funding can only accelerate this trend, bringing fairer and global distribution of healthcare, greater affordability, and preventive and early intervention healthcare, all ultimately improving the longevity of life.

“The pandemic has also transformed telemedicine investment and demonstrated that nanoscience and innovation could deliver more resilient societies and ecosystems for healthcare.”

About Mr Paul Stannard
A successful investment, technology and media entrepreneur who is the founding Chairman of the World Nano Foundation and has been Chairman and Trustee of World Science Aid since 2015. He has a global network in investment, technology and media and previously held senior positions at several FTSE companies. Paul has started and sold numerous start-up technology and media companies to listed companies over the last 35 years and was instrumental in developing technologies that changed the way markets and industries operate internationally. He is also an international keynote speaker on Disruptive Innovations such as quantum dots, digital assets, nanomedicine, and media. His previous company was responsible for developing the first online applications for news and now produces mobile applications for more than a thousand media companies globally with a monthly audience or more than 2.5bn. He has also successfully helped raise capital in numerous international markets including the US, UK, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

About Mr Kojo Annan
Founder of Vector Global, an investment holding company with cross-border investment, across multiple sectors Technology, Media and Telecoms diversified interests in West Africa, Innovation, Lifestyle and Wellbeing. Seasoned entrepreneur with global and diverse network and with a strong track record in investing in and growing businesses. Founded Meridian Port Services (MPS) (modern container terminal in Tema) in partnership with Maersk, Bolloré and Ghana Ports, a 1.5bn USD investment into West Africa. Co-Founder of Made in Africa (MIA), MIA is a luxury group that bridges African high culture with a global audience. Kojo holds degrees in Economics and Political Science, is fluent in both French and English and proficient in Yoruba.


Vendredi 28 Mai 2021