Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

STOKR Announce Support for the Liquid Securities Platform

STOKR, the European marketplace for issuing tokenised digital shares, has announced that they will support Blockstream's Liquid Securities platform. This will enable companies to issue shares on the Liquid Network, a Bitcoin sidechain, under the legal certainty of the EU capital market laws.

STOKR is a one-stop-shop for companies to issue security tokens which enables access to exciting investment opportunities both for retail and professional investors. They allow companies to issue shares on the Liquid Network and support them to comply with regulatory requirements.

"Built on the battle-tested Bitcoin codebase, Liquid supports much-needed privacy for users through its Confidential Transaction technology. Liquid has been created by one of the most accomplished teams in the Bitcoin industry, and we are proud to support the Liquid Securities platform for a streamlined securities issuance," said Arnab Naskar, Co-Founder, Business Lead of STOKR

The Liquid Securities platform is a user-friendly solution for businesses issuing security tokens on the Liquid Network, a federated Bitcoin sidechain. The Liquid Securities platform is the first Liquid-based product launched by Blockstream.

"Other securities platforms force issuers to bake compliance in at smart contract level, but Liquid Securities moves that all off-chain with multisig and the Liquid Authorizer," said Samson Mow, Chief Strategy Officer of Blockstream. "This allows issuers to stay flexible in the face of shifting global regulations. Now with STOKR's platform supporting Liquid Securities, issuing compliant security tokens on Liquid is easier than ever."

Liquid-based token issuance is available from today at STOKR, and businesses interested in launching a security token on Liquid should contact the STOKR team on

STOKR, headquartered in Luxembourg, is led by a diverse team operating from Luxembourg and Germany. STOKR is powered by Blockchain to create independent access to capital markets. Through security token offerings compliant with EU capital market rules, investors can directly fund forward-thinking start-ups and SMEs in return for a share of the ventures' future profits or revenues. STOKR focuses on supporting projects which are committed to making a positive impact, as well as creating a community of educated investors who are empowered to make better investment decisions.

About Blockstream
Blockstream is the global leader in Bitcoin and blockchain infrastructure. Blockstream's sidechain technology (Liquid Network) enables faster Bitcoin settlements, while empowering financial institutions to tokenize assets. Blockstream Mining provides enterprise-class mining facilities for the colocation of Bitcoin mining operations. The Cryptocurrency Data Feed, developed in partnership with Intercontinental Exchange, delivers best-in-class real-time and historical exchange data. Blockstream Green is the world's most advanced consumer Bitcoin wallet. Blockstream was founded in 2014, with offices and team members distributed around the world.

About the Liquid Network
The Liquid Network is an inter-exchange settlement network connecting cryptocurrency exchanges, market makers, brokers, and other financial institutions around the world. Liquid enables rapid, confidential, secure transfers of bitcoin between members of the network, while bringing these features to a wide range of assets in the form of Issued Assets. The network is operated and managed by its federated members, ensuring the system has no single point of failure. Learn how to get access to the future of digital asset finance at:


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Chaineum :
Fondée en 2015, Chaineum est une boutique STO offrant une expertise de premier plan en matière d’ICO et STO, avec une vision stratégique orientée tant vers le métier de ses clients que sur la technologie blockchain. A ce titre, Chaineum a participé à la mise en œuvre de bonnes pratiques dans le secteur (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
La division services blockchain de Chaineum, développe la technologie Chaineum Segment, une blockchain privée orientée objets.

About Chaineum:
Founded in 2015, Chaineum is a STO Boutique with a strong expertise in ICO and STO, and a strategic focus on both its clients' business and blockchain technology. As such, Chaineum paved the way in the implementation of certain best practices in this sector (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
Chaineum's blockchain services division, is developing Chaineum Segment technology, an object-oriented private blockchain.


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Jeudi 19 Décembre 2019