Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

PrimeRevenue Recognized by Readers of Leading Trade Finance Magazine for the Fifth Time

PrimeRevenue Inc., the global leader in supplier financing was named the Best Supply Chain Platform by Global Trade Review (GTR) for the fifth year. PrimeRevenue was the only non-bank provider selected by the magazine’s readership, comprised of the world’s largest financial institutions and leading organizations engaged in trade activities.

GTR is a bi-monthly magazine with a global readership of more than 24,000 corporate leaders, bankers and financiers in the international trade, export and commodity finance world. The Leaders in Trade Awards acknowledge excellence and achievement in different areas of the financial services industry, in specific geographical regions and product lines.

PrimeRevenue’s reputation as the supply chain finance market leader was clearly recognized by GTR's readers, with votes for the company far outnumbering those won by its nearest competitors.

“The fact that our funding partners and customers have voted overwhelmingly in our favor is a great endorsement of our trade and supply chain finance capabilities,” said PJ Bain, PrimeRevenue CEO.

PrimeRevenue is the only provider in the market that allows customers to choose from more than 50 external funding sources and also allowing them to use their own balance sheet to finance their suppliers.

“We are honored that our multi-funder supply chain finance platform has been recognized for the fifth time,” added Bain. “This award serves as a measure of our outstanding achievements in a very competitive market and we look forward to continuing our leadership position.”

About PrimeRevenue, Inc.
For organizations that view their supply chains as a strategic asset and are seeking to increase supply chain efficiency, PrimeRevenue has the answer. PrimeRevenue provides financing to more than 17,000 clients through its OpenSCi suite which offers the control and flexibility for organizations to optimize their working capital, improve margin as well as reduce costs and risks throughout the financial supply chain. Headquartered in Atlanta, PrimeRevenue also has offices in Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Melbourne, Monterrey, Paris, Prague and Cape Town. PrimeRevenue operates some of the largest supplier financing programs for clients around the globe.

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Vendredi 9 Janvier 2015