Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

PayBito, the Cryptocurrency Trading Platform from HashCash Consultants Offers a Marketplace for Emerging Assets

PayBito provides a platform to list crypto assets based on merit unlike many of its peers where pay-to-list appears to be the norm.

An Enterprise launching a new crypto asset knows that getting their asset listed on a cryptocurrency exchange might be quite a daunting task.

A thorough vetting of an enterprise’s crypto asset before listing it is no longer the norm used by most exchanges. Pay-to-list appears to be the new normal.

Big Exchanges can ask an enterprise as much as 100 Bitcoins to list their coin or token. Due diligence seems to not matter if you are ready to pay.

The Crypto asset exchange, PayBito is attempting to close this gap.

PayBito, an exchange operated by California based company HashCash, offers emerging crypto assets an opportunity to list based on potential and merit.

The multi-signature cryptocurrency trading platform uses bank-level security features to protect users from hacks. The platform conducts rigorous KYC and AML checks before users can purchase on the platform.

The exchange has recently rolled out SegWit some time back.

A PayBito representative said to the media,

“It is interesting to observe how awareness of Cryptocurrency has spread to every corner of the globe. A large section of our customer registrations are happening from African subcontinent, from East European countries and South America.”

Additionally, PayBito is offered as a White Label Cryptocurrency exchange product to companies interested in using the software to run their own exchange.

About PayBito
PayBito is a leading cryptocurrency asset trading platform operating globally. The platform is designed and managed by a team with rich experience in Banking security systems, Cryptocurrency trading and Blockchain technology. Available in iOS and Android stores, PayBito offers some of the best rates and top-notch security on the planet.

About HashCash Consultants
HashCash Consultants started as a Blockchain Consulting Company in California in 2015. Today, HashCash products enable enterprises to move assets and settle payments across borders in real-time using Blockchain Technology. Banks, Corporate Houses, Domestic Payment Networks, FinTech Companies, and Currency Exchanges use the HC Network for Retail Remittances, Corporate Payments, Trade Finance, and Payment Processing. HashCash has 100+ enterprises using its products in 26 countries.

Finyear - Daily News

Mercredi 4 Juillet 2018

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