Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Moneybookers : appointment of Paul Goodridge as Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Moneybookers, one of Europe's largest and fastest growing online payment systems companies, is today announcing the appointment of Paul Goodridge as Chief Financial Officer. The company, which provides domestic payment options in more than 40 countries and processes over EUR10m in
transactions each day, has made the strategic hire to support its aggressive targets for growth within the e-commerce industry.

Paul brings with him nearly 20 years of senior financial management experience in industry as well as an excellent track record for growth. Prior to joining Moneybookers, Paul was Director of Finance at CSR Plc where he was responsible for all financial, legal, IS and investor relations aspects of the business. While at CSR Plc, he oversaw both its floatation on the London Stock Exchange at a valuation of £200m and its subsequent promotion into the FTSE 250, making it one of the most successful technology IPOs in the last five years. Under Paul's stewardship, CSR grew from a loss making 70 person company with US$5m revenue to a 1,200 person business with US$850m revenue and a 20% EBIT

"With the appointment of Paul Goodridge we have secured an extremely talented CFO with an impressive track record for growth," comments Nikolai Riesenkampff, Co-CEO at Moneybookers. "We will also be benefiting from his invaluable experience in M&A and financing activities as we consider our strategic options moving forward."

Moneybookers is well positioned for the booming online payments industry. It provides an easy to integrate and low cost payment system for online retailers, affiliates and auctions. Moneybookers also supports innovative business models associated with high growth trends such as social networking and user generated content. Besides its payment services to merchants, Moneybookers provides person-to-person money transfers, enabling customers to instantly send money to anyone with an email address anywhere in the world for very low fees. Everyday, Moneybookers welcomes more than 9,000 costumers as new owners of its electronic wallet - which provides convenience and enhanced security for online shopping, real-time payments and transactions.

About Moneybookers
Moneybookers Ltd. is Europe's largest online payment system offering domestic payment options in more than 40 countries and customer service in 12 languages. With 5 million account holders,
Moneybookers is one of the largest providers of e-wallets worldwide. Moneybookers enables any business or consumer to securely and cost-effectively send and receive payments online, simply by using an email address. More than 10,000 merchants use Moneybookers' gateway product, among them global e-commerce brands such as Skype, AOL, MTV and QXL ricardo. Dr. Thomas Middelhoff serves as the Chairman of the Board. Moneybookers was founded in 2001 in London and is regulated by the Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom (FSA).

Jeudi 3 Juillet 2008