Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

JP Morgan: Blockchain is the real deal

There is a growing realization that distributed ledger technology — popularly known as blockchain — will bring a radical shift in the way we think about financial assets and the way the financial industry will operate in the future.

The blockchain journey is likely to be long and the outcome is uncertain, but a consensus is forming that it is the real deal. Disregarding it is a risk.

In this joint report, we argue that asset managers need to get off the sidelines and take the initiative to understand and embrace blockchain. The report is designed to serve as a guide to how the technology may evolve, the impact it may have on asset managers and the action they can take. Like any guide, it is not comprehensive — blockchain is a complex technical topic and the many
initiatives it has spawned are too wide-ranging to be encompassed in any single document. Rather, we have imagined ourselves in the driver’s seat of an asset manager organization and have raised the questions that the industry needs to address. For each member of the senior management team, we lay out a set of five key actions as they begin the journey.

This new report from JPMorgan Chase and consultancy firm Oliver Wyman argues that blockchain technology presents an opportunity for asset managers.

The report envisions adoption for asset managers taking place in three development waves, the first of which will take shape between now and 2019. The last wave, during which the report sees the development of "critical infrastructure" around the technology, is forecast to play out between 2020 and 2030.

According to JPMorgan and Oliver Wyman, the current wave of adoption will see the development of "simple applications" focused on data communication between network parties, while the second will give rise to systems used to store "core transaction data".

Download the report below (PDF 24 pages)

Laurent Leloup
"Blockchain enthusiast" & Founder Blockchain Daily News
Founder Finyear Daily News (Finance & Innovation all the Year)

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Jeudi 21 Juillet 2016