Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Global cloud survey: the implementation challenge

The cloud takes shape.

Global cloud survey: the implementation challenge
Cloud has finally started to move beyond the hype and into the very fabric of today’s enterprise. Organizations around the world are gaining valuable insight into not only the potential benefits of cloud, but also the practical challenges of adopting these highly disruptive technologies.

This survey is based on the responses of more than 650 senior executives in 16 countries representing multiple industries. Their opinions and responses provide a valuable perspective on the challenges and complexities facing today's organizations.The survey finds that the majority of organizations have already begun to adopt some form of cloud technology within their enterprise, and all signs indicate that this is just the beginning; respondents expect to move more business processes to the cloud in the next 18 months, gain more budget for cloud business case to their leadership. Clearly, the business is becoming more comfortable with the benefits and associated risks that cloud brings.

With a majority of organizations now claiming to have adopted cloud into at least part of their enterprise, we are now seeing the market mature: new lessons learned, leading practices and challenges are emerging and a body of knowledge is starting to form.

As such, we have once again partnered with Forbes Insights to conduct our annual survey of cloud adopters. this report is based on the responses of more than 650 senior executives in some 16 countries representing multiple industries. their opinions and responses provide a valuable perspective on the challenges and complexities facing today’s organizations.

Based on the responses of our survey participants and the experience of KPMG’s cloud leaders, this report clearly indicates that the cloud marketplace for both adopters and providers is quickly expanding and maturing. But the report also finds that the resulting journey is proving more complicated and challenging than many had originally anticipated.

That said, it is clear that – with greater experience and a few hard-won lessons – executives continue to believe that the benefits of cloud adoption far outweigh any growing pains that they may experience through implementation. What these executives must recognize, however, is that in order to reap the full benefits of cloud adoption, their organizations must also transform their business processes, or they run the risk of misinterpreting the short term It savings as success, while the longer term strategic business objectives go unrealized.

This report makes a compelling read for any organization that is either planning or implementing a cloud strategy, and provides some practical and actionable advice for enterprises and their executives. When combined with our companion report, Breaking through the cloud adoption barriers, a global survey of cloud service providers, a comprehensive view of the current cloud environment begins to form.

Steven Hill, Global Leader of Innovation, Advisory & Rick Wright, Global Cloud Enablement Program Leader

Read more: download the survey below (PDF 28 pages)

Lundi 2 Septembre 2013