Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FY360° | Will China’s Global Challengers Be the Next Global Leaders?

Ever since Chinese companies began going global in force a couple of decades ago, their impact on worldwide business has been hard to overstate.

By combining low cost with massive scale, and by taking full advantage of a huge domestic market, companies based in China have disrupted and transformed industries from telecommunications equipment to solar panels. Twenty-nine Chinese companies are represented in The Boston Consulting Group’s most recent list of 100 global challengers. (See 2014 BCG Global Challengers: Redefining Global Competitive Dynamics, BCG report, September 2014.) Fortune magazine’s Global 500 list for 2014 includes 91 companies based in mainland China, which is now second in number only to the U.S.

But a close analysis of the Chinese corporate landscape reveals new sets of challenges driven by dramatic changes in the business environments both at home and abroad. For Chinese companies in many industries, the era of easy, rapid growth is winding down. Achieving profits is more problematic. Old competitive advantages, such as low labor costs, are beginning to...


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Lundi 19 Janvier 2015