Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FY360° | What executives think about the economy: 2004 to now

This continually updated interactive tracks how executives around the world have viewed economic conditions and the economic prospects of their companies, and how those views have differed over time and across industries, regions, and types of company.

Every quarter since early 2004, McKinsey has asked executives from around the world about their expectations for the global economy, national economies, and their own organizations. Since September 2008, as these topics have grown in urgency, we have added additional questions, including some on customer demand and company profits.

This interactive feature will allow you to explore how different regions, industries, and types of companies have been affected by recent changes in economic conditions, and what executives expect to see in the future.

We will update the data upon completion of each new survey.


FY360° by Finyear, la revue de presse à 360° en finance-gestion d'entreprise & finance d'affaires.

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FY360° by Finyear (ex Financial Year Links) is a Finyear service on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. Our team follows the relevant news, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it on the Finyear website and in the daily newsletter.
FY360° by Finyear is not a finished product: please let us know what you think and if you have a suggestion, a complaint, or something we should link to, email us.

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Jeudi 9 Avril 2015