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The Bridge Between TradFi & DeFi, Traditional Finance and Decentralized Finance

Jeudi 9 Juillet 2015
Finyear, Quotidien Finance d'Entreprise

FY360° | Is the Uber of Finance the Blockchain?

I've recently been saying that the Uber of Finance is not a company, but the Blockchain. Many people have tweeted and asked what I mean, so here's the explanation.

Various stories appear about money but the first mentions appear to date back over 12,000 years ago, when ancient tribesmen in Antonia swapped Obsidian stones to store value. What this represented is a move from basic production of goods to the trading of goods and services, and we have seen the progression of the use of currency and value stores through the ages as we developed civilisations and societies. However, our progression of these stores of value are changing and moving faster and faster, as our technologies develop faster and faster.

For example, the Antonians not only traded in stones but...


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