Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FY360° | Growing by adapting at speed

How do companies stay ahead when everyone is accelerating? Not by merely adapting to changing conditions, but by doing so quickly and decisively, according to McKinsey’s Marc Singer.

Driving growth in evolving industries has never been easy. But companies today are being challenged as never before not just to adapt but to adapt at speed in the face of relentless innovation. In this interview with McKinsey’s Barr Seitz, Marc Singer, a leader of the McKinsey Digital Practice, discusses the importance of adopting a strategy of rapidly implementing and testing ideas in order to maintain and accelerate growth. An edited transcript of his remarks follows.

How to match innovation’s metabolic rate

The recurring issues that come up when I’m talking to clients about their digital agenda and related marketing and sales agendas are largely about the metabolic rate of innovation. I don’t mean just ideas, but getting the ideas implemented, tested, and refined. Even where they feel they’re having some success, they’re worried—and they should be—about the thing they don’t know yet that’s going to surprise them. As one of my clients said, “I know we’re fine for the next three years, but ten years from now I have no idea whether my kids and grandkids will think what we have is relevant.”...

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Jeudi 28 Mai 2015