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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FY360° | Creating value in transportation and logistics

The “new normal” for the sector is tougher than for many other industries. Here's how transportation and logistics businesses can increase their economic profit.

To unlock growth and profitability in a challenging sector, transportation and logistics companies need to make bolder and more astute strategic choices than ever before. The sector’s checkered history of value creation is counterbalanced by compelling lessons from successful players in a range of transportation and logistics industries, both pre- and post-crisis.

For all of the upheaval facing the sector, a number of powerful megatrends will create unprecedented opportunities to enter new markets and redefine existing business models. The asset intensity and geographic breadth of transportation and logistics companies will reward granular fact-based decisions about the markets in which to play, city by city, route by route. This is an opportune moment for executives in the sector to challenge whether their strategy will meet and outperform market expectations.


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Mardi 17 Novembre 2015