Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

European Fintech Regulation - An Overview

The use of technology to deliver, enhance or “disrupt” financial services is transforming the sector.

Whether you are an institution upgrading the existing financial services that you offer, a new entrant launching a groundbreaking product, or a regulator or an industry body considering whether the current regime is fit for purpose, this overview, produced in cooperation with Kromann Reumert and Arthur Cox, will help you navigate the complex regulatory framework for fintech products across the EU.

Fintech has the potential to increase efficiency and reduce costs, to improve access to, and delivery of, financial services, to enhance the customer experience and to create markets in new and innovative financial services products. It also poses risks, including money laundering, cyber-security, consumer protection and data privacy. However, despite these risks, financial institutions, regulators and challenger companies believe that fintech – and the opportunities it presents – should be embraced.

Fintech encompasses a wide range of financial services and products that intersect with technology. These include peer-to-peer (or P2P) lending, online payments and foreign exchange services, digital wallets and e-money, automated or robo investment advice, artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, blockchain and crypto‑currencies and many more. While these products and services are all different, they all make use of new or developing technology to: provide traditional financial services in a more cost‑effective, accessible and consumer‑friendly way; or facilitate the expansion of new or innovative financial products and services.

More: Download below the study (PDF 12 pages)

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Mardi 27 Juin 2017