Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Crypto enthusiasts disappointed by lack of employers willing to pay in bitcoin

The majority of employees would be willing to receive part or all of their wages in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, according to ChronoBank’s survey. However, businesses typically lag in their attitudes – despite the fact that the poll highlights the advantages such a move would offer both employers and their workers.

In July 2018, HR blockchain startup ChronoBank surveyed 445 cryptocurrency enthusiasts from all over the world including the US, Australia, and Russia to learn more about this emerging financial landscape. Results of the survey revealed that 92% of the respondents were male, and 40% were aged between 25 and 34 and 75% are currently employed.

Payments in crypto

Despite the active development of the cryptocurrency and blockchain economy in 2016-18, employers are not taking advantage of these new technologies. 72% of respondents stated that employers never offered them to switch salary to payments in cryptocurrencies. However, 66% of those surveyed expected that their employers should embrace technological change and that they would be willing to receive wages in cryptocurrencies. However, an incredible 83% of respondents were more than happy to receive their bonus payments in cryptocurrencies.

Sergei Sergienko, CEO of Chronobank, said: “Most revealing was that 72% of those surveyed said they would prefer an employer who has the salary payment option in the cryptocurrency when choosing their next place of employment. These results suggest that employers need to get up to speed with crypto sooner rather than later.”

Access to quick and convenient money transfers appear to be the main advantages in paying salaries in cryptocurrencies. But this answer changed depending on the nationality of users. For example, 37.5% respondents in Australia think that the most significant benefit of getting paid in crypto is tax avoidance. However, the majority of respondents still believe in the growth of the value of digital assets in the future.

50% believe that receiving a salary in cryptocurrency would help them spend less and only 19% would use it to make transactions. Why? Because if they left their crypto in their wallets, there is still an expectation that the value would increase. For younger people in the 18-24 bracket, the number of holders is even higher at 60%.

Users are aware of the potential risks that surround cryptocurrencies, but almost half of the respondents (49%) are much more concerned about the price volatility of digital assets. Younger people in particular (18-24) are more concerned about being the victim of an attack by a hacker (34%) than price volatility (44%).

Conversion of cryptocurrency into fiat at receiving salary would only be carried out by every fifth respondent. At the same time, only half of those polled are ready to pay taxes on their digital revenues, and about 25% have not yet decided. Although 65% of those surveyed in the US was prepared to pay taxes, in other countries such as Russia, only 30% are ready. But it's important to highlight that overall, 62.5% of younger people are much more willing to pay taxes on crypto globally.

Future perspectives

Sergei Sergienko said: “Even though there are ongoing changes in the legislation of different countries in the field of cryptocurrency, audiences are still not adequately informed about the innovations. Almost half of the respondents do not have enough information on whether salary payments in cryptocurrencies in their countries are allowed.”

Only 33% stated that they know that the relevant transactions are permitted in their country. In the USA - 43,5% know it’s allowed. Meanwhile, in Russia, the most common answer that it is not allowed (48%) and Russians understand about that.

Despite the readiness of the respondents to receive funds in the cryptocurrency, most of them doubt that the companies will switch to salary payments in the cryptocurrency. Only 30% of respondents believe that companies in their country will change to paying salaries in digital assets. Surprisingly, in the USA it's even lower, but in Australia, people are more optimistic.

With respect to the regions that will lead to the payment of salaries in cryptocurrencies, Japan (32%) is leading the way. The US (15%) and South Korea (15%) are next in line, but US respondents believe more in South Korea (25%) than in Japan (only 13%). In Russia, 47% believe that Japan is the complete leader in the industry.

57% of respondents are confident that such initiatives will positively affect the economic growth of countries. By contrast, US respondents (47%) are a bit more skeptical than average.

In the field of HR, the majority of respondents are confident that the blockchain will be used as a secure system for payments. About 23% also believe that the blockchain will not be limited to this sphere and will allow employers to verify the data of employees using this technology.

About ChronoBank
ChronoBank is reimagining hiring for the blockchain age. Founded and based in Australia following its successful token sale of 5,400 BTC in February 2017, the company has developed the most sophisticated blockchain-based hiring ecosystem in the world. ChronoBank is led by a seasoned executive team with deep domain experience in HR, banking, and fintech. It boasts one of the strongest technical and design teams in the blockchain world and is well-funded to innovate in all sectors of HR, from hiring to workers compensation to lending to insurance.

Finyear - Daily News

Jeudi 13 Septembre 2018

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