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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Crypto Challenge Forum connects global thought leaders, policy makers, investors and startups from across the world for a 3 day top content event

Crypto Challenge Forum forum is the world's major industry event. It will take place on 28-30 October at the iconic Central Hall Westminster, London, connecting global thought leaders, policy makers, investors and startups from across the world for a 3 day top content event. It will be attended by the industry leaders, think tanks, institutional and private investors, family offices and VC firms.

Crypto Challenge Forum forum is the world's major industry event. It will take place on 28-30 October at the iconic Central Hall Westminster, London, connecting global thought leaders, policy makers, investors and startups from across the world for a 3 day top content event. It will be attended by the industry leaders, think tanks, institutional and private investors, family offices and VC firms.

The 2018 Crypto Challenge Forum's focus is:

Blockchain and the Future of Humanity: Economy. Environment. Ethics

The Forum's highlights include:

1500+ attendees
50+ influential speakers
12+ countries presenting their blockchain initiatives
20+ participants of the Investors' Hub
40+ exhibititors

The forum is privileged to have some of the world's most authoritative speakers, some of whom are global transformers: Split across three tracks, the Forum's agenda will address a range of global issues including Blockchain and Sustainable Development, the Future of Digital Investment and Regulatory Framework of the Crypto.

The Forum will see an unprecedented agenda «The World's Ecosystems and Crypto Investment» where a whole track will be given to crypto friendly governments who will be showcasing their ecosystems and highlighting their blockchain initiatives. Global announcements are expected to be made.

A distinctive feature of Crypto Challenge Forum is the Investors' Hub – an exclusive networking area where the brightest startups will have access to decision makers representing participating investment funds, VC firms and family offices, with a total of 70B USD under management. An ICO contest with 100K prize pool to be distributed in three prizes will be held alongside the two-day exhibition in the Hall's lobby.

Last, but not least, the Forum abounds in a rich networking programme ranging from post-conference receptions to private VIP retreats. It will culminate in the black-tie Halloween Gala & Awards Giving Ceremony at the renowned 8 Northumberland Avenue.

The Gala will feature international celebrities and award giving in a variety of nominations including, inter alia Crypto Challenge Forum 2018 Most Innovative Regulator of the Year, 2018 Crypto Investor of the Year and Crypto PR Agency of the Year. The full list of awards and a description of the nomination procedure is on

As Finyear is a media partner of the event, you can use this pecial 5% discount Promocode: CCFMP

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Mardi 11 Septembre 2018