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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

CPA Appoints New Chief Financial Officer and Commercial Director

CPA, a leading provider of outsourced legal support services and the world's top intellectual-property management specialist, is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Fagan as Chief Financial Officer and Paul McGolpin as Commercial Director. Both Fagan and McGolpin will be members of CPA's executive board.

CPA Appoints New Chief Financial Officer and Commercial Director
Fagan has more than 30 years' experience as an accountant and financial professional, most recently as CFO at GMAC ReScap, a diversified real estate finance company. After graduating from Pace University in New York, he joined Pete Marwick Mitchell and qualified as a certified public accountant in 1976. Fagan joined GATX Leasing in 1978 and subsequently held several senior positions in leasing and treasury at GATX International, Bank of America, Whirlpool Financial Aerospace, Electronic Data Systems and Dell Computer Europe.

McGolpin joins CPA from Keane Inc, a global services firm specializing in enabling transformation of business and IT functions, where he was Managing Director of UK/Europe. He joined IBM after university, focusing on client-facing roles. He subsequently built his broad-based career in sales, marketing and operations at Digital Equipment Company and Cambridge Technology Partners. In 2000 he joined the executive team at Sapient, growing the business rapidly to become a significant player in Europe. He also had an instrumental role in moving Sapient into the large outsource markets. At CPA he will focus on strengthening and extending the company's relationships across its global client base to provide the full-range of value-adding outsourced IP and other legal services. McGolpin has an MBA
and a PhD from Cranfield Business School.

Peter Sewell, CEO of CPA, said :
"CPA is a rapidly growing business which continues to deliver substantial double-digit revenue and profit growth from outsourced IP services while developing a strong pipeline for wider legal support services. Corporates and law firms around the world are now becoming focused on efficiency, improving quality and driving costs lower through outsourcing a wide range of legal support services. As a trusted supplier with a long track record of excellence in complex IP-related services, CPA is well placed to help clients achieve these objectives in an increasingly competitive global economy. I am delighted that Bill and Paul have joined CPA and I look forward to working with them to ensure that CPA maximizes its potential to deliver superior value across a full range of outsourced legal services to
our global client base."

About CPA
With clients in over 100 countries, CPA is a leading provider of outsourced legal support services and the world's top intellectual property (IP) management specialist. Founded in 1969, CPA provides
lifecycle management services for intellectual property such as patent, design and trademark searching, watching, renewals, and portfolio strategy. CPA is also a leader in the growing market for outsourced contract management and litigation support services, helping law firms and corporations to
realize value by managing risk, cost and capacity. CPA employs over 1,000 people in 16 offices in 8 countries.

Vendredi 11 Juillet 2008