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ACI aide TransferWise à fournir des paiements plus rapides et plus fiables

ACI Worldwide, leader international dans la fourniture de solutions de paiements électroniques et bancaires en temps réel, annonce aujourd’hui avoir fourni la technologie « back-end » pour l’intégration réussie de TransferWise vers le Faster Payment Scheme au Royaume-Uni.

Craig Saks, Group President Strategic Products ACI Worldwide, commente : « En décembre 2015, nous annoncions que TransferWise avait sélectionné notre Framework UP pour alimenter son réseau mondial. Nous sommes heureux que TransferWise ait pu compléter le processus d’intégration en un temps record et que l’entreprise soit devenue la première fintech à se connecter au Faster Payments Scheme via le New Access Model* »

Lukas May, Head of Banking, TransferWise, ajoute : « La solution innovante d’ACI nous a permis d’accélérer notre intégration vers le Faster Payments Scheme. Notre connexion directe avec FPS est une étape importante vers une véritable concurrence entre les services financiers, réduisant notre dépendance envers les banques pour accéder aux ‘tuyaux’ du système de paiement. C’est une bonne nouvelle pour les consommateurs anglais à qui nous pouvons offrir des paiements plus rapides, plus fiables et moins chers. »

Craig Tillotson, Chief Executive de Faster Payments, déclare: « Le fait que les consommateurs d’une nouvelle entreprises fintech puissent profiter maintenant de paiements en temps réel souligne la contribution révolutionnaire que notre New Access Model est en train d‘apporter. Il permet à tout type de fournisseurs de services de paiement de proposer à ses clients les paiements qu’ils souhaitent en temps réel, 24h/24 et 7j/7 »


ACI’s UP Immediate Payments helps TransferWise connect to Faster Payments Scheme

TransferWise is first fintech to connect to UK scheme via New Access Model*.

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a leading global provider of real-time electronic payment and banking solutions, today announced it has provided the back-end technology for TransferWise’s successful integration into the Faster Payments Scheme.

Craig Saks, Group President Strategic Products, ACI Worldwide comments: “In December, 2015, we announced that TransferWise had selected our UP Framework to power its global network. We are excited that TransferWise has been able to complete the onboarding process in record time and is the first fintech to connect to the Faster Payments Scheme via the New Access Model. We encourage all PSPs and financial institutions looking to gain access to Faster Payments in the UK, to move to the New Access Model, which provides the ability to offer their customers real-time payments 24/7.”

Earlier this year, ACI was awarded a ‘trust mark’ accreditation by Faster Payments Scheme Limited (FSPL), the official recognition as one of the ‘technical aggregators’ that helps payment and financial institutions gain access to real-time Faster Payments in a single or multi-tenant environment through the New Access Model. The model was introduced by the Faster Payments Scheme in order to increase competition in the financial services sector and open up the market to new entrants.

Based on the New Access Model, ACI offers PSPs, challenger banks and payment processors a ‘pay as you go’ solution that manages all IT and connectivity requirements to process payments via the Faster Payments Scheme; a sponsor bank would offer settlement and liquidity services.

ACI’s UP Immediate Payments solution is highly flexible and adaptable, enabling access to all IP schemes globally. It has been used by many existing scheme members to access Faster Payments since launching in 2008.

In recent years, demand for ACI’s private cloud solutions has grown considerably, and in response, ACI will open a new data centre in Limerick, Ireland later this month—serving its growing European customer base.

Lukas May, Head of Banking, TransferWise, said: “ACI’s out-of-the-box solution helped speed up our integration with the Faster Payments Scheme (FPS). Our direct connection with FPS is an important step toward real competition in financial services, reducing our reliance on banks for access to the ‘pipes’ of the payment system. This is great news for UK consumers - it means we can offer faster, more reliable, and cheaper payments.”

Craig Tillotson, Chief Executive of Faster Payments, said: “The fact that customers of a new fintech company are now profiting from real-time payments underlines the revolutionary contribution our New Access Model is starting to make. It enables payment service providers of all shapes and sizes to offer their customers the real-time, 24/7 payments they demand.”

Independent research commissioned by Faster Payments predicts the size of the UK real-time payments market is likely to almost triple in the next five years, with annualised growth of 20 percent forecast, leading to 3.3 billion Faster Payments being sent in 2020 alone.

*The New Access Model, first published by Faster Payments in December 2014, sets out proposals to enable technology vendors to offer technical access to Payment Service Providers (PSPs) by adding to their existing accounting platform technology, or providing a managed solution to either a single or multiple PSPs.

À propos d’ACI Worldwide
ACI Worldwide, la société de paiements universels, développe des systèmes électroniques de paiement pour plus de 5 000 organisations dans le monde. Plus de 1 000 des plus grands organismes et intermédiaires financiers, ainsi que 300 des principaux détaillants mondiaux ont choisi ACI pour traiter chaque jour 14 mille milliards de dollars en paiements. Par ailleurs, des milliers d’organisations utilisent nos services de paiement et de facturation électroniques. Grâce à notre suite logicielle ainsi qu’à nos solutions SaaS complètes, nous fournissons en temps réel des capacités de paiement de point à point pour une expérience de paiement omnicanal le plus complet du secteur. Pour en savoir plus sur ACI, veuillez visiter Vous pouvez également nous retrouver sur Twitter @ACI_Worldwide.

About TransferWise
TransferWise is the international money transfer platform based on peer-to peer technology. Launched in 2011, it is one of the UK’s most successful fintech startups having raised $117m in funding from investors such as Andreessen Horowitz, Sir Richard Branson, Peter Thiel and Max Levchin, the co-founders of PayPal. TransferWise was named a WEF Tech Pioneer in 2015.
Co-founded by Taavet Hinrikus and Kristo Käärmann, the company was created out of frustration with the high fees charged by banks on international money transfer. TransferWise uses the real exchange rate: the mid-market rate - without the hidden mark-up fees - making it up to 8 times cheaper to send money abroad compared to using a bank. Over £800 million is transferred across the globe every month using the TransferWise platform, saving customers more than £1 million every day. TransferWise is working to make the world better by helping to make the financial system fair.

About Faster Payments
Faster Payments is the only UK interbank payment system available day and night, 365 days per year, supporting the demands of personal and business customers to make payments from mobile, internet and telephone banking channels. In 2015, Faster Payments processed 1.24 billion payment transactions with a value of £1,104 billion.
Faster Payments Scheme Limited (FPSL) is an independent limited by guarantee company established in 2011. The Scheme exists to develop, operate and enhance payment services based upon a shared 24/7 real-time infrastructure. FPSL is driven by the long-term needs and aspirations of customers, businesses, government, the third sector and all types of Payment Service Providers (PSPs) including challengers and incumbents. The Scheme operates on a fair and equitable cost recovery basis. It does not seek to make a financial return for its guarantors.

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Mercredi 19 Octobre 2016

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