Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

2020 Global M&A Roundup with Financial Advisors League Tables

Étude Mergermarket.

Mergermarket has released its Global M&A roundup for 2020, including its financial advisors league tables. Take a look at the report HERE and don’t forget to review the charts breaking down the activity by sector, value, year-to-year analysis, etc.

A couple key findings include:
• A total of USD 847.2bn has been spent on European assets in 2020 across 6,658 deals, representing a 5.6% rise by value versus 2019 (USD 802.3bn). This was largely due to the recovery seen in the second half, with USD 552.7bn recorded in 2H20 – 87.7% higher than the USD 294.5bn seen in the first six months of 2020.
• Foreign investment into Europe represented 37.8% of the total European value and 15.4% of the volume, representing its lowest value share since 2015 and lowest volume share since 2009.
• European technology M&A has reached USD 119.5bn across 1,230 deals, surging to its highest annual value on Mergermarket record.
• A total of USD 205.2bn was spent by private equity firms in Europe in 2020 across 1,415 deals, representing the highest annual value since 2007. As a result, private equity buyouts accounted for a 24.2% share of the total European M&A value in 2020 and 21.3% of the total annual deal count, representing its highest share by both value and volume since 2006.

Here is the report:

Mercredi 27 Janvier 2021