Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Blockchain Could Save Treasurers Billions, One Expert Says

The focus of the ACT Cash Management Conference shifted to technology on Day 2, with an opening panel on—what else?—blockchain. Panelists looked at how it could disrupt the financial system and the potential benefits it offers to corporate treasury. One panelist even theorized that blockchain technology could save treasurers billions of dollars in reduced trading costs.

The session began with a quick audience poll of whether blockchain technology is revolutionary. Fully 68 percent said they don’t know, while 23 percent said yes, and 9 percent said no...

Moderator Tim Pyecroft, director, head of global corporates UK cash management for Barclays, began by noting that corporates and banks in general are still figuring out how to incorporate blockchain into their businesses. He drew parallels with the early days of the internet in the late 1990s, in which businesses gradually began to realize that they needed an online presence. “Blockchain is a very exciting technology that needs to be used in the right way to realize the benefits,” he said.

Read more:,_One_Expert_Says.html

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Mardi 16 Février 2016