Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
Corporate Finance Opinions

The CMDB is key for IT governance, risk management and service delivery - 4 Septembre 2012

By Edward Carbutt, Executive Director at Marval Africa The Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is well recognised as a cornerstone structure when it comes to the implementation of the...

Audit interne : fort potentiel d'amélioration - 4 Septembre 2012

Vu l'importance croissante de la maîtrise des risques et de la conformité, Ernst & Young a mené une « Global Internal Audit Survey » auprès de quelque 700 responsables d'audit interne et...

Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - September 3, 12 (4th update) - 3 Septembre 2012

Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - September 3, 12. (+ Economy from Wednesday, September 5, 2012). MARKETS by ETX Capital and RATINGS by Thomson Reuters...

La construction européenne - Histoire et avenir d’une Europe des peuples - 3 Septembre 2012

La construction européenne - Histoire et avenir d’une Europe des peuples - Henri MALOSSE – Laure LIMOUSIN - Editions L’Harmattan – 210 pages – 26 € 50 L’avenir de l’Europe s’inscrit déjà dans son...

Suisse : le mieux est toujours l’ennemi du bien ! - 3 Septembre 2012

La Suisse est-elle réellement devenue à l’Union Européenne ce que la Chine est pour les Etats-Unis ? De fait, elle se retrouve aujourd’hui dans une situation paradoxale. En effet, tandis que les...

Communication: A three way street - 3 Septembre 2012

Think about the differences in communication styles between a Doctor and a Politician. The Doctor uses various techniques to ensure clarity and logic despite the emotion which often exists within the...

Is there no end to the Financial Scandals? - 3 Septembre 2012

Euribor/Libor and other finance and corporate scandals show that fraud and deception apparently is in the heart of our financial system because there are constructional and structural defects are the...

Leverage Financial Intelligence to Drive Performance - 3 Septembre 2012

Cloud-based-technologies are changing the face of the finance function. It’s not uncommon to think of finance operations as part of the back office. Stakeholders regularly get excited about sales...

Investment Banking Weekly Scorecard - August 31, 2012 - 3 Septembre 2012

This provides an overview of the week in M&A, capital markets and syndicated loans, with league tables, up-to-date industry and country trends, as well as top transactions for the past week. Full...

Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - August 31, 12 (1st update) - 31 Août 2012

Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - August 31, 12. MARKETS by ETX Capital and RATINGS by Thomson Reuters ( 09:00 AM European equity markets are...
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