Mercredi 20 Avril 2016
Finance, digital, blockchain, innovation

Virtual Currency & Blockchain Expo in European Parliament

EDCAB is co­-organising a flagship event on Virtual Currencies and Blockchain Technology in the European Parliament.

The event, Virtual Currencies and Blockchain Technology: Europe’s Future will consist of an exhibition in the European Parliament which will culminate in a series of exclusive roundtables for industry and policymakers.

Council of the EU calls for swift virtual currency legislation

The Council of the European Union - comprising ministers from all 28 member states - has called for legislation on virtual currencies to be tabled by the end of June 2016.

EDCAB addresses European Parliament hearing on virtual currencies

The European Parliament's influential Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) held a public hearing on virtual currencies on 25 January 2016. EDCAB's founder, Siân Jones, was one of three stakeholder experts invited to address Members of the European Parliament (MEP).

EU to regulate virtual currency exchanges and wallet providers

The European Commission intends to bring virtual currency exchanges under the Anti-Money Laundering Directive and exchanges and wallet providers under the Payment Services Directive.

Welcome to EDCAB
EDCAB is the only independent public policy platform dedicated to dialogue with European Union policymakers and legislators concerning virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology.

EDCAB - European Digital Currency & Blockchain Technology Forum is a public policy platform for virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology.

Our aim is to help shape a sound regulatory and policy agenda for virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology in the European Union. We engage with EU policymakers, legislators and key stakeholders on live and upcoming issues, addressing both challenges and opportunities.

Independent, non-profit, Brussels-based, EDCAB provides a forum for dialogue on live issues and future policies; creating better understanding and building trust and transparency.

Membership is open to businesses, non-profit organisations, think tanks, academic and reserach institutions, and anyone with an interest in virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology.

In addition to responding to consultations and providing briefing papers, EDCAB organises roundtables, seminars and workshops in Brussels throughout the year. Our 2016 flagship event is an expo to be held inside the European Parliament from 18 to 22 April alongside a series of roundtables involving MEPs, legislators from Member States, officials from the Commission and EU institutions, academics, civil society, and industry stakeholders.

EDCAB's founder, Siân Jones, is a regulatory compliance professional specialising in digital currencies and blockchain. She has briefed national and EU legislators, spoken at Commission workshops and roundtables, and was one of three stakeholder representatives asked to address the European Parliament public hearing on virtual currencies in January 2016.

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Participez aux conférences Blockchain éditées par Finyear :
Blockchain Pitch Day#1 (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain Vision #4 ( 7 juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon #1 (octobre 2016)

Finyear est partenaire média de France Blocktech, l'association française de l'écosystème blockchain.

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