Lundi 15 Février 2016
Finyear, Quotidien Finance d'Entreprise

The hype around blockchain is only adding to the confusion

With its recent report, “Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond block chain,” the UK Government Office for Science has become just the latest organization to put blockchain/distributed ledger firmly on top of the hyped-technology pile.

As the level of activity, investment, and hyperbole reaches a fever pitch, blockchain is rapidly being viewed as the cure to all technology ills. Inevitably, the truth is more nuanced, but in a nutshell, blockchain is just one implementation of “distributed ledger” technology that everyone agrees has the potential to do lots of things – even as they are unsure of what exactly those things may be.
Jumping on the distributed ledger bandwagon

The concept of a distributed ledger did not begin with Bitcoin and in computer science terms goes...

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