The Financial value chain : Financial and Physical supply chain

Putting together the pieces of the financial puzzle can be quite daunting. The Financial Supply Chain is increasingly recognised as an area offering significant potential for generating bottom-line improvements and creating competitive advantage. Many studies today suggest that, “a typical billion-dollar company spends between 25-30 million USD annually for unnecessary working capital and inefficient processing functions because they lack visibility into the Financial Supply Chain and don’t recognise its connection to the physical supply chain.” This can equate to literally billions of dollars wasted across the global supply chain.

The Financial value chain : Financial and Physical supply chain

Putting together the pieces of the financial puzzle can be quite daunting. The Financial Supply Chain is increasingly recognised as an area offering significant potential for generating bottom-line improvements and creating competitive advantage. Many studies today suggest that, "a typical billion-dollar company spends between 25-30 million USD annually for unnecessary working capital and inefficient processing functions because they lack visibility into the Financial Supply Chain and don't recognise its connection to the physical supply chain." This can equate to literally billions of dollars wasted across the global supply chain.

- What should the CFO do to better understand this connection ?
- Which financial instruments can be used to better equip the supply chain and enable it for future success ?
- Why has the financial supply chain proved elusive ?
- What prohibits trading partners from the timely exchange of information and contractual documents in a timely manner ?
- What enabling solutions exist to manage global trade ?

Unlike the Physical Supply Chain, which has seen improvements ranging from demand management to fulfilment management, there remain significant performance gaps in the Financial Supply Chain which contribute considerably to the trapped value.

This exclusive one-and-a-half day event has been designed to offer clear benefits to a various C-Level executives (CEO, CFO, COO, CIO). Bringing the participants together in a small group will ensure a deeper involvement of the audience, and greater networking opportunities.

Tailored to fit the needs of dynamic executives, the retreat will address key challenges faced in day-to-day company management.

Register your interest now! Limited seats available !

SCC European Executive Retreat 2007
THE FINANCIAL VALUE CHAIN : Examining the Role of Financial Instruments to Enhance your Supply Chain
When: 10-11 May 2007
Where: Le Méridien Beach Plaza, Monaco

Opening of registration: a full programme and registration form will be available from the 1st of March. Register your interest now by contacting the Supply Chain Council European Office at, or +32.26270160

Mercredi 28 Février 2007

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