Article proposé par Finyear, quotidien de l'exercice financier
Vendredi 24 Avril 2015
Finyear, Quotidien Finance d'Entreprise

The Blockchain is Forever

Marc Andreessen has compared the current state of Bitcoin to the state of the internet in 1993.

The comparison makes sense if you consider that Bitcoin, a protocol that is slowly taking over the world, and for which the blockchain was built, is just one of many possible protocols that it’s underlying blockchain technology can support. Email was one of the first very useful protocols built on the internet in the early days. And, we had no idea what large TCP/IP networks were really capable of. Who could have known we could build things like microblogging, crowdfunding, YouTube, or Uber?

The blockchain is a globally distributed database that anyone can add to, but whose history no-one can modify. That's an important property if we're going to use it as the source of truth for all our peer-to-peer financial transactions...


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