Symphony Services Demonstrates Quality and Time to Market Advantages of Global Agile Software Development

Symphony Services, a global provider of product engineering outsourcing services, today announced the effective application of Symphony's Global AgileTM approach to software development with Primavera Systems, the leading provider of project, resource and portfolio management software. Primavera, one of the leaders in the Agile movement, turned to Symphony and its offshore Agile development methodologies to make software production capabilities faster, of higher quality and more sustainable.

With more than three years of successful Global Agile implementations and hundreds of highly-skilled Global Agile practitioners who are a part of dedicated client teams, Symphony has helped clients including Click Tactics, Convio and N.E.W. Customer Service Companies quickly realize the benefits of this highly collaborative, iterative approach to software development. Symphony's success in Global Agile can be attributed to its adaptability to clients' existing development processes and its proven framework for creating purpose-built, productive teams that operate seamlessly in a multi-shore development environment.

"Over the past three years, Primavera has leveraged Agile to accelerate project lifecycles and avoid delayed deliverables, burned out developers and unsatisfied stakeholders. We worked closely with Symphony to take the benefits of Agile one step further by adapting the approach for a multi-shore environment," said Ibrahim Abdelshafi, vice president, development, Primavera Systems. "Symphony has proven that offshore Agile development is not only possible, but also measurable. Together with Symphony, we have jointly developed comprehensive metrics to help us track offshore team ramp-up from a quality, productivity and on-time delivery standpoint. That sort of accountability and innovative approach to software development makes Symphony a valuable global engineering partner."

Symphony's Global Agile Center of Excellence in Bangalore combines the best Agile engineering practices from several multi-shore client teams with enabling technologies designed to accelerate the adoption of Agile offshore development. Symphony client research indicates that, with the right modifications, offshore engineering teams can deliver levels of quality and productivity equivalent to established U.S.-based Agile teams in just three months - including reduced calendar time to implement new features, early development feedback and the ability to make critical course corrections.

"Many in the development community consider multi-shore Agile development unachievable. Our experience demonstrates that outsourced activities can benefit from some level of Agile process adoption. We believe that shorter iterations, greater prototyping and faster release cycles overcome many of the challenges users of global engineering services encounter due to distance and time zones," said Roger Nessier, vice president, consulting, Symphony Services. "Implemented correctly for a distributed development environment, we believe that Agile is the ideal marriage of global talent with the responsiveness and quality customers expect from their software providers."

Symphony client teams leverage Agile methodologies such as XP, Scrum and DSDM to drive the efficient knowledge transfer, training, transition planning, goal setting and governance required to achieve rapid, measurable results. Symphony has also developed a set of best practices including replicating local, in-context collaboration through the use of communications tools such as desktop video conferencing, chat, blogs and wikis. The results are productive and flexible multi-shore teams and a culture of trust and accountability that encourages developers to be committed stakeholders in Global Agile processes.

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Lundi 15 Janvier 2007

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