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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Shawn’s Friday Five: Five Ways To Improve Your Productivity

Shawn’s Friday Five: Five Ways To Improve Your Productivity.

Shawn Casemore
Shawn Casemore
1. Ask yourself what the true value is of the work you are focused on. Are you doing something that adds value and achieves your objectives?

2. Delegate to whomever will listen. Don’t worry about whether you supervise that person or not, just look for competent people that are willing to help out, they’re everywhere.

3. Speed over accuracy. No one ever won the “Perfection Prize,” but those who are able to progress quickly towards their goal by getting stuff done tend to reach the finish line first.

4. Shut your phone off. Simple, just turn off your phone and focus on what you are doing. It’s not rocket science, but it can be a challenge. Just do it!

5. Take frequent breaks. When you really focus on something you need frequent breaks – every 60 minutes is usually sufficient. Reward yourself every 60 minutes with 10 minutes of whatever you want, then back at it!

Shawn Casemore, President, Casemore and Co.

Mercredi 16 Octobre 2013