Jeudi 17 Janvier 2008

Newton : Des performances significatives en 2007 grâce à une approche thématique globale

Newton, une des sociétés de gestion de BNY Mellon Asset Management, réalise en 2007 une de ses meilleures années en termes de performances grâce à son approche thématique globale.

- Grâce à son approche d’investissement thématique, Newton Investment Management a enregistré de forts rendements en 2007 : plus de 80% de leurs stratégies d’investissement confondues ont dépassé leur indice de référence.
- Cette caractéristique a constitué un atout clé pour rester concentré dans le contexte de marchés financiers volatils de 2007.
- Jeff Munro, Directeur des Investissements chez Newton souligne que leur stratégie d’investissement à long terme dans certains thèmes les a amenés à être sous pondérés sur le secteur bancaire, avec une faible exposition aux banques britanniques et aucune exposition aux banques américaines.
- Helena Morrissey, Directeur Général de Newton ajoute que 2007 s’est révélée être l’une de meilleurs années de Newton en termes de performance. La majorité de leurs stratégies d’investissement sur une, trois et cinq années a dépassé leur indice de référence.

Newton Investment Management Limited
Newton Investment Management Limited est une filiale de gestion d’actifs de The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation basée à Londres qui fait partie de BNY Mellon Asset Management. Avec des encours de plus de 38 milliards livres, la société distribue une gamme large de produits et de services d’investissements aux investisseurs particuliers, aux fonds de retraite, aux organisations caritatives et aux sociétés.


Newton Performance Proves Perspective is Key

Continued commitment to its thematic investment approach has enabled Newton Investment Management to produce strong relative returns for investors during a turbulent 2007. Over 80% of Newton’s pooled investment strategies are ahead of their benchmark over the year, including multi-asset, global equity, specialist equity, specialist fixed interest, unconstrained and absolute return mandates**.

2007 was characterised by sharply higher volatility in financial markets than investors have been accustomed to in recent years. Disruption in credit and money markets, as well as concerns about the ramifications of such disruption for the global economy, have had profound implications for global asset prices. Newton’s thematic investment approach has been key to the retention of focus in volatile markets.

Jeff Munroe, chief investment officer at Newton, comments:
“At Newton we use long-term themes to help develop our understanding of how the world is changing and where investment opportunities are likely to appear. Our debt and credit theme led us to be interested in banking opportunities in the developing world versus more consumer indebted areas in the developed world. Our becalmed theme was built on the behaviour of borrowers believing that the economic cycle ceased to exist, encouraging excessive risk taking. These two key themes led us to hold underweight positions in the banking sector, with little exposure to UK banks and no US exposure. In addition we held underweight positions in discretionary consumer sectors, real estate and other credit-related areas.”

Helena Morrissey, Newton’s chief executive officer, added :
“2007 turned out to be one of our best ever performance years. Most significantly, the validity of our fundamental and transparent thematic investment process, and its relevance to wide ranging mandate types, has been reinforced by last summer’s events. Across one, three and five years the bulk of our investment strategies have outperformed their benchmarks.”

Percentage of Newton-managed pooled funds ahead of benchmark**
Over one year 81%
Over three years 88%
Over five years 94%

Newton Investment Management Limited is a London-based global asset management subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and part of BNY Mellon Asset Management. With assets under management of more than £38 billion, the company provides a broad range of award-winning investment products and services to individuals, pension funds, charities and corporations. News and other information about Newton is available at www.

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation is a global financial services company focused on helping clients manage and service their financial assets, operating in 34 countries and serving more than 100 markets. The company is a leading provider of financial services for institutions, corporations and high-net-worth individuals, providing superior asset management and wealth management, asset servicing, issuer services, clearing services and treasury services through a worldwide client-focused team. It has more than $20 trillion in assets under custody and administration, more than $1.1 trillion in assets under management and services $11 trillion in outstanding debt.

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