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Markets Morning Briefing by Finyear - January 30, 2014

Markets Morning Briefing by Finyear | Daily updates from our Markets Team in London. Mises à jour quotidiennes par nos experts marchés à Londres. Finyear, the Financial Year - L'exercice financier.

Markets Morning Briefing by Finyear - January 30, 2014

Good Morning!

European shares are trading slightly higher this morning managing to recoup only a tiny fraction of losses suffered during yesterday’s trading. Sharply weaker US and Asian markets overnight have only a very limited impact on price action this morning as they merely mirroring what has already happened in Europe.

Besides digesting yesterday’s evening FOMC news focus will be on German employment data and several Euro-zone confidence indicators this morning. Later in the day focus will once again shift to the US where several blue-chip companies are due to report and 4Q GDP figures are being released.
The FOMC meeting pretty much turned out to be a non-event with no major surprises with the Fed continuing as previously announced with their reduction of the bond purchasing program. While some had hoped that recent events in some emerging market countries which also have rattled stock markets across the world would persuade the Fed to reduce their bond purchasing program in a less aggressive manner have certainly been disappointed.
However at the same time the Fed sent also a clear reminder that the economy in the US continues to improve and that events abroad are not expected to have a major impact on growth at this stage. For now ‘In-action’ by the Fed is probably much more helpful to markets instead of jumping the gun and panicking. A very aggressive move by the Turkish central bank more than doubling interest rates overnight fared poorly and was punished harshly by markets as it was not seen as a suitable and sustained solution to the problem which is not caused by a weak economy but by a huge political scandal.
Technically a lot of damaged has been done yesterday, generating a flood of sell signals.
On the other hand prices have come down substantially over the past week and some kind of consolidation at low levels wouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.
Should markets fail to hold on to their early gains, increasing selling pressure is likely to take hold with new lows of the year likely.

Markus Huber | Senior Sales-Trader/Senior Analyst
Peregrine & Black

Fed stays on course with tapering/China's pace of contraction accelerates - ETX Capital

US Federal Reserve remained on track of unwinding its bond buying programme on Wednesday, cutting monthly purchases by another $10billion, now down to $65billion per month [starting in Feb.], in line with market expectations. There were no dissenters on the FOMC, the tone on the economy was relatively upbeat and forward guidance was reaffirmed [unemployment rate target still 6.5%] with no changes to it, indicating the Fed will continue cutting QE [most likely by $10billion] per month until the programme ceases to exist by the start of Q3 this year.

Despite the declines in US markets overnight, the move by the Fed is welcome in a broader context; the central bank has now set a precedent of how much it will cut by, offering the market a level of clarity and shows commitment that even in the face of some mixed data in January [softer conditions in labour market] the Fed has made its mind up and there’s no U-turning now. Some were looking for more from the Fed regarding the selloff in equity markets and the huge outflow of capital from the EM space, but the Fed sent a clear message that it believes the US economy is on track of its recovery. With the Fed looking like it is on autopilot, Janet Yellen will have to do little to change policy just yet other than continue carrying out Mr Bernanke’s work. Yesterday’s move however has now raised expectations of the first rate hike by the Fed to sometime in the first half of 2015; if QE ends by the summer of 2013, a rate hike in the H1’15 could be likely.

Overnight, Asian markets were rocked by the combo of Fed tapering and more importantly for the region, data which continues to point to contraction in Chinese growth – the HSBC PMI manufacturing report out of the country dipped into contraction zone to 49.5, raising fears that pace of the slowdown in China is accelerating beyond even the government’s expectations. Some may see this as a reason for policy makers in China to get into the mix with stimulating the economy with various measures, from more cash injections to allowing credit to flow freely to induce growth. Looking ahead to the day’s data agenda, we have German jobs data, UK M4 supply and mortgage approvals, euro zone confidence indicators and the preliminary reading of US GDP for the Q4.

Ishaq Siddiqi
Market Strategist
ETX Capital

Commentaire UBP / A votre tour Mme Yellen....

Alors que la Fed est plus confiante sur la croissance américaine – qui devrait aisément atteindre 3.5% cette année –, la fin de "l'ère Bernanke" n'est pas pour autant magique: pour la première fois en dix-huit mois, les marchés n’ont pas salué la réunion de la Fed et ont accueilli par un repli sa dernière décision en tant que gouverneur – qui est de baisser à nouveau les achats mensuels d'obligations.

La pression est forte pour la nouvelle responsable de la politique monétaire américaine qui se voit dès son intronisation confrontée à 3 défis :
- Avec un taux de chômage proche du seuil des 6,5%, la Fed doit changer de discours et abandonner toute référence explicite à ce taux.
- La fin du quantitative easing est acté par les marchés mais ceux-ci ne sont pas convaincu du "forward guidance", c'est a dire de la capacité de la communication de la Fed à piloter les anticipations de taux courts et longs, d'autant que l'inflation est à son plus bas.
- Les prix des actifs ont aidé au rebond de l'économie américaine en 2013 et ils sont visiblement une variable forte de transmission de la politique monétaire américaine. Leur confiance est indispensable pour que le cycle de croissance se poursuive. Cela passe par une politique monétaire claire et visible, en ligne avec les anticipations sur les différents marchés d'actifs.

"L'exercice est bien plus subtil que de monter ou baisser les taux directeurs de 25 points de base et pourrait, pour les néophites, ressembler plus à de la psychologie que de l'économie financière, car en plus de parler à notre porte monnaie, il faut donc que les banquiers centraux parlent à notre âme et notre imagination !", commente Patrtice Gautry, Chef Economiste d'Union Bancaire Privée.


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Jeudi 30 Janvier 2014