Les entreprises leader en Europe font le choix des ressources humaines nouvelle génération en mode cloud avec SAP

CSM Bakery, Expro, M+W, Unify et d’autres entreprises ont adopté SuccessFactors Employee Central pour gérer plus efficacement leur personnel grâce à un système intégré unique.

Plus de 26 millions d’utilisateurs à travers le monde utilisent les solutions de gestion des ressources humaines de SAP AG (NYSE: SAP), qui annonce que l’adoption par les entreprises européennes de la solution SuccessFactors Employee Central a doublé au cours de l’année passée. Ces entreprises ont fait le choix d’Employee Central et d’Employee Central Payroll pour leurs fonctionnalités globales et les enseignements qu’elles apportent aux directions des ressources humaines. Cette annonce a été réalisée lors de SAPinsider, qui s'est tenu à Nice du 21 au 23 mai 2014.

A l’inverse des systèmes RH traditionnels, SuccessFactors Employee Central va au-delà des transactions RH basiques. Elle fournit un système complet d’archivage permettant aux entreprises de s’assurer que leurs fonctions RH globales sont communes à chaque étape de la vie professionnelle de leurs employés. En outre, elles sont disponibles sur une plateforme unique en mode cloud, étroitement imbriquée avec tous les autres processus RH.

De nombreuses entreprises européennes ont récemment fait le choix de SuccessFactors Employee Central, dont CSM Bakery, Expro Group, M+W UK et Unify.


Leading European Companies Fuel Next-Generation HR in the Cloud With SAP

CSM Bakery, Expro, M+W and Unify Among Companies Adopting SuccessFactors Employee Central to Effectively Manage Workforce Using Single, Integrated System

To move away from managing in isolation and really optimize their workforce, companies need a comprehensive and flexible approach that is fully integrated with all other business processes. More than 26 million users worldwide depend on human resources (HR) technology from SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) and today, the company announced that adoption of the core HR solution SuccessFactors Employee Central doubled in the past year across European companies. Businesses chose Employee Central and Employee Central Payroll for global functionalities and insights, and the ability to help support local and regional compliance. The announcement was made from SAPinsider, being held May 21-23 in Nice, France.

Unlike traditional HR systems, SuccessFactors Employee Central goes beyond basic HR transactions, providing a complete system of record to help ensure critical HR functions are met globally across the entire employee life cycle — all on a single cloud platform that is tightly integrated with all other HR business processes.

Recent European companies that have gone live with SuccessFactors Employee Central include:
• CSM Bakery: CSM Bakery Solutions develops, produces and sells a wide selection of bakery ingredients and products to professional bakeries, top consumer food companies, grocers and retailers around the world. With more than 8,800 employees in 90 locations, CSM needed to streamline and standardize its variety of disparate HR technologies. SuccessFactors Employee Central helps CSM localize and streamline its HR department, delivered in a single cloud platform that is easy to use. “Our industry is all about a passion,” said William Kelley, global HRIS manager at CSM Bakery Solutions. “We depend on cloud technology from SAP to equip our HR department to deliver a personal degree of service on a global scale.”
• Expro Group: With 5,000 employees in 50 countries, Expro offers a truly global service solution, and it was looking for the same to serve as its foundation for HR. “SuccessFactors Employee Central appealed to us immediately because it’s an SAP solution, it can easily integrate with lots of different modules and we could get up and running quickly,” said Martin Ogden, CIO, Expro Group. “The system is highly intuitive and our managers have had very few questions about how to use it.”
• M+W UK: Headquartered in Germany, M+W is a global engineering, construction and project management company that needed to manage and train highly skilled and specialized workers. SuccessFactors Employee Central, paired with SuccessFactors Learning Management, allowed the M+W UK management team to have a clear view of the skills, competencies and experience of employees, enabling M+W to select the right people for the right tasks. Joanna Merry, head of HR for UK and Ireland at M+W group said, “Having implemented other HR systems in the past, this is the only implementation I would willingly repeat.”
• Unify: Headquartered in Germany and formerly known as Siemens Enterprise Communications, Unify is one of the world’s leading communications software and services firms. Unify builds on its Siemens AG heritage of product reliability, innovation, open standards and security to provide integrated communications solutions for approximately 75 percent of the Global 500. “Once people in our company saw the look and feel of SuccessFactors Employee Central, they embraced our new way of doing business. From our HR team to our individual employees, everyone is really happy with the interface we've deployed,” said Dorothee Branz, project lead at Unify.

New Innovations from SAP Cloud for HR
As these and other companies demonstrate, efficiency and improved quality of HR services are key capabilities that HR operations managers seek so they can bring order, encourage consistency and deliver world-class support. And leading HR solutions enable them to do this.

To help them take things to the next level, SAP helps facilitate local compliance for SuccessFactors Employee Central in 71 countries and, as of May 23, will help support payroll processing and localized requirements for Employee Central Payroll in 28 countries. Additionally, global benefits capabilities will be available in SuccessFactors Employee Central. This tool will include pre-delivered processes for gifts and reimbursements and will help ensure the efficient delivery of global benefits to employees.

“At SAP we recognize the importance of providing employees with access to the information they need when, where and how they need it to do their jobs,” said Mike Ettling, global head of Cloud and On-Premise HR, SAP. “Across SuccessFactors Employee Central and our other HR solutions, we’re committed to delivering innovations that will allow them to do this and maximize employee engagement and satisfaction.”

A propos de SAP
Leader des applications d’entreprise, SAP (NYSE : SAP) fournit aux entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs les moyens logiciels d’une meilleure gestion. Du back office à la direction, de l’entrepôt à la vente, quel que soit le terminal d’utilisation (ordinateur, terminal mobile), les applications SAP permettent aux collaborateurs et aux organisations de travailler plus efficacement ensemble et de s’appuyer sur des tableaux de bord personnalisés afin de conserver leur avance dans un contexte concurrentiel.
Les applications et services SAP offrent à plus de 281 000 clients la possibilité d’être rentable, de s’adapter continuellement et de croître durablement.

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Mardi 27 Mai 2014

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