Vendredi 8 Avril 2016
Finance, digital, blockchain, innovation

How Blockchain Changes the Insurance Industry

Don Tapscott gave the opening talk at the Property Innovation Summit in Miami, Florida. Asked to speak on changes to the insurance industry, Tapscott offered a glimpse into the future:

"The property insurance industry is a candidate for big disruption by new technologies in particular blockchains, as the industry is an intermediary between customers and money. Peer to peer models of insurance are now possible. On the other hand insurance companies could use blockchains to their advantage — for example to understand the provenance of antiques, art and other insurable items."

The Property Innovation Summit is widely regarded as the Property Insurance Industry’s premier thought leadership conference. Now in its tenth year, this invitation only event brings together senior property executives from the nation’s top carriers.

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Assurchain (6 avril 2016)
Blockchain Vision ( 12 avril 2016)
Blockchain Pitch Day (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain, IoT & IA (projet juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon (projet septembre 2016)

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