Lundi 24 Février 2020
Laurent Leloup

Here's How Innovations Have Changed The Face Of Renewable Energy Usage In India

India is the world’s second most populated country. Catering to such a huge population requires a massive amount of energy.

Be it electric power or water supply, serving these necessities can only make life possible for humans. Moreover, we are going through a phase of the revolution, be it economy or defense. It becomes essential to harvest our renewable sources of energy to ensure a peaceful life further.

Renewable energy is the energy obtained from renewable sources, such as sunlight, wind, rain, etc. All these elements are replenished from natural resources and can be held accountable for most of our energy production. They are ecological and environment-friendly with maximum efficiency, and therefore, are considered to be the essential sources of energy.

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Government Policies

Producing substantial renewable energy is every government’s prime goal. It sets up separate expenditures and policies for the same. Biogas plants, solar plants, etc. are installed at suitable locations. India has seen a 10% hike in the production of energy from sustainable resources since 2014.

According to government records, a snapshot of renewable energy installations as on 31st March 2007 in India are as follows.

● Biogas plants 3.89 million
● Improved Chulhas 35.2 million
● Wind Power 6070 MW
● Small hydropower 1849 MW
● Biomass 1068.3 MW
● Solar photovoltaic 2.74 MW
● Solar water-heating 1.5 million m2 (collector area)
● Waste-to-energy 45.98 MW

There has been a substantial increase in the number of such installations in recent years as the government is implementing new policies for the same.

User Acceptance

Indian population has gone through a significant change when it comes to using renewable energy. There has been a 753.6% increment in energy provided by solar sources between 2014 and 2019. The solar energy provided 4,600 units of consumption back in 2014, which has risen to 39,268 units in 2019.

Solar, Geothermal, and wind were the most-searched renewable energy sources in India. There were about 114,700 searches every month on renewable energy production. This hike in customer’s interest shows their acceptance and penchant for energy from sustainable sources. This hike will lead India to a better future as it is evident by the global standards that renewable energy is the future of energy production. The following infographic further lays focus on the same.

Advancement in Technology

Technological advancement in the production of renewable energy is crucial. Using archaic technology would drive down the efficiency and hike up the cost. Since there are several sustainable sources, it becomes vital to have advanced plants in each of them, especially in the most popular ones, such as biomass and solar.

Solar Thermal Panels are used to capture heat from solar energy and produce electricity. Photovoltaic cells and Ground source heat pumps are used for the same purpose. Wind Turbines and Hydro turbines are used to harness power from moving wind and water. The world’s renewable hydropower capacity was 1,154 GW in 2017. Along with these, there are several technically advanced plants and systems that produce cost-efficient and eco-friendly energy, such as biomass fuel plants, harvesting geothermal energy, etc.

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