Mercredi 5 Septembre 2012
Finyear & Blockchain Daily News

Finance Organization - North America 2012 Q1

Less decision-making, more execution.

Top challenges: Supporting execution of growth initiatives

Last quarter’s results appeared to indicate a renewed focus on supporting growth. But where last quarter’s results showed a heavy focus on strategy-setting and prioritization, this quarter’s findings appear to indicate a stronger focus on execution.
Finance Organization Challenges

Percent of respondents who place each option in their top three

Chart: Percent of respondent who place each option in their top 3
- Providing information, analysis, and metrics repeats as the top challenge this quarter, rising from 43% last quarter to 54% this quarter
- Influencing strategy and operational priorities remains a top priority, but it fell from 43% last quarter to 32% this quarter – consistent with a possible shift away from aiming and a stronger focus on execution.
- Ensuring initiatives achieve desired business outcomes slid somewhat to 29% from its high of 41% last quarter.
- Supporting a major transaction rose markedly from 13% last quarter to 27% this quarter – a new survey high. (Note: This finding is consistent with results from our M&A-focused questions that indicate more than half of companies are actively pursuing deals.)
- Forecasting and reporting business results is cited by roughly one quarter of CFOs and is a top-two challenge for Financial Services and the Services Sector.
- Supporting major infrastructure/back-off initiatives held steady at 25%.

Download the CFO Signals Q1 2012 Finance Organization:

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