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Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - September 26, 12 (3rd update)

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Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - September 26, 12 (3rd update)

MARKETS, ECONOMY & STATISTICS - Commentaries of the day

Every day our commentaries keep you updated.

09:00 AM
MARKETS - Morning Call: European Markets Trade Down; Fed’s Plosser Slaps Sentiment Over QE3 - Ishaq Siddiqi ETX Capital

Regional stock markets are moderately lower this morning, tracking overnight losses in Asian and US markets after Fed official Charles Plosser slapped investors with a bit of a reality check in regards to the central bank’s recent policy efforts. Plosser said QE3 is unlikely to boost economic growth and this could cause reputational damage for the Fed in the long term. His comments have essentially taken the wind out of the Fed-inspired risk-rally, leading market participants to re-assess the effectiveness of QE3.

In Europe, ECB member Joerg Asmussen told a German news publication that the ECB will not take part in a potential Greek debt restructuring plan, raising concerns that the country will continue to burn bailout money until it heads for a default. As such, persistent global growth fears are driving price-action at the moment and it doesn’t look like this will change today given a lack of positive cues to latch on in Europe.

The economic agenda is also very thin on the ground with only German Inflation and US new home sales worth noting. In the bond markets, a 10-year German Bund auction should provide some insight into current investor sentiment later. Looking ahead to the rest of the week, we have two key events which prompt a huge degree of caution – in the midst of violent protests, we will see Spain announce its 2013 budget tomorrow and the Greece announce its budget cutting plans to EU officials on Friday.

10:00 AM

Une photographie du marché du travail en 2011
En 2011, 25,8 millions de personnes ont un travail et 2,6 millions sont au chômage au sens du BIT. Sur dix personnes qui travaillent, on compte un non-salarié, cinq ouvriers ou employés et quatre cadr... (suite sur

Le climat conjoncturel dans le commerce de gros se dégrade en septembre 2012
Selon les chefs d’entreprise interrogés en septembre 2012, le climat conjoncturel dans le commerce de gros se dégrade. L’indicateur synthétique du climat des affaires perd quatre points par rapport au... (suite sur

10:00 AM

Enquête suisse sur la population active et statistiques dérivées : l’offre de travail au 2e trimestre 2012
Hausse du nombre d’actifs occupés de 0,9%; taux de chômage BIT à 3,7%
Selon les relevés de l’Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS), le nombre d’actifs occupés en Suisse progresse de 0,9% entre le 2e trimestre 2011 et le 2e trimestre 2012. Au sein de l’Union européenne (UE), il recule légèrement (-0,2 %). Sur la même période, le taux de chômage selon la définition du Bureau international du Travail (BIT) augmente très légèrement en Suisse, passant de 3,6 à 3,7%. L’UE voit son taux de chômage au sens du BIT augmenter, passant de 9,4 à 10,2%.
En septembre 2012, le climat des affaires dans l’industrie manufacturière reste dégradé
Selon les chefs d'entreprise interrogés en septembre 2012, la conjoncture dans l’industrie demeure dégradée : l'indicateur synthétique du climat des affaires est stable par rapport au mois d’août mais... (suite sur

En septembre 2012, le climat conjoncturel reste dégradé dans le bâtiment
Selon les chefs d’entreprise interrogés en septembre 2012, la conjoncture est dégradée dans le bâtiment : l’indicateur synthétique du climat des affaires perd un point en septembre et reste en dessous... (suite sur

Le climat des affaires en France reste dégradé en septembre 2012
L’indicateur du climat des affaires en France, calculé à partir des réponses des chefs d’entreprise des principaux secteurs d’activité, perd un point en septembre et s’établit à 86 points, toujours ne... (suite sur

En septembre 2012, le climat des affaires reste terne dans les services
D’après les chefs d’entreprise interrogés en septembre 2012, le climat des affaires se redresse mais reste terne dans les services. L’indicateur synthétique gagne trois points et s’établit à 87, un ni... (suite sur

En septembre 2012, le climat des affaires se dégrade de nouveau dans le commerce de détail et dans le commerce et la réparation automobiles
Selon les chefs d’entreprise interrogés en septembre 2012, le climat des affaires se dégrade de nouveau dans le commerce de détail et dans le commerce et la réparation automobiles : l’indicateur synth... (suite sur

12:30 PM
MARKETS - Mid Morning Comment: Markets Selloff On Worries Over QE3 Effect; Spain, Greek Situations Weigh - Ishaq Siddiqi ETX Capital

We are seeing risk sentiment corrode across global markets as questions regarding the effectiveness of recent central bank policy action and persistent fears over the situation in the euro zone peripheral together have punched market sentiment back down to the ground. European indices are retreating from highs reached on the back of expectations and then delivery of central bank policy measures during the 3Q period. Fed official Charles Plosser’s comments yesterday have put QE3 into question, with markets now worried that we need the Fed to do more if we want to see a meaningful recovery in the US. Plosser’s comments have taken the wind out of the Fed induced stimulus rally, leading global growth fears to drive price-action.

As such, 4Q looks like it is going to get off to a shaky start with the Spanish situation and further delays to seeking bailout together with Greek situation flaring being major event risks which could potentially undo all the optimism markets rose on during the 3Q. Bond yields for Spain are on the up again as markets have almost accepted that we are unlikely to see Spain request a bailout. Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy reportedly said he would need to determine whether the conditions attached to the bailout are “reasonable” before asking for one. Civil unrest in Spain over austerity measures make the decision on a bailout extremely difficult for Rajoy – markets are looking to tomorrow’s announcement of the country’s 2013 structural reforms for greater clarity on how the government there plans to address its toxic debt pile and if it indeed does need a bailout or not.

Greece’s economic drama has reared its ugly head again after ECB executive board member Joerg Asmussen told a German news publication that the bank won’t take part in a potential restructuring of Greek debt. There is currently a general strike in protest over austerity measures in Greece as the government there prepares to present budget reduction plans to euro zone officials at the end of the week. Greece has an extremely difficult task as strict austerity may please international lenders and ensure more bailout funds, but would increase civil unrest in the country which could potentially see a change in government and a ‘Grexit’ back on the cards. We should have more clarity on the situation in the periphery by the end of the week, but for now, today’s price action seems like a dip and not the start of a broad-based selloff. Looking ahead to the day, we have very little on the data plate with just German inflation and US new home sales worth noting.

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Mercredi 26 Septembre 2012