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Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - January 27, 2014 10:30AM

Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates by Finyear, the Financial Year Journal. Economie, marchés, notations, statistiques et taux par Finyear, le journal de l'exercice financier.

Economy, Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - January 27, 2014 10:30AM


The German IFO index posted a better than expected reading for Jan.
Especially positive is that the sub-index the IFO Expectations index has clearly beaten estimates in January not only confirming that an acceleration in economic growth in the months ahead is likely but also that the economy might be speeding up more than originally thought.
Still it needs to be seen if today’s better than expected IFO numbers will indeed be able to bring relief to a battered stock market.
Many might fear that the IFO might have peaked this month and that next month’s data might be less positive with the worsening situation in China and turmoil in several developing countries being fully discounted.

Thank you.

Kind regards

Markus Huber | Senior Sales-Trader/Senior Analyst
Peregrine & Black

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Cotations, indices et taux. Mise à jour quotidienne par Finyear.
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Lundi 27 Janvier 2014