E BUSINESS BRUSSELS, the most important event in BELGIUM

EBUSINESS INFO is the creator of the world leader show "E COMMERCE & E MARKETING WORLD" (500 speakers and exhibitors for 25 000 visitors - also the creator of "DEMATERIALISATION & INTELLIGENCE EUROPE" (200 speakers and exhibitors)

We end E BUSINESS BRUSSELS, the most important event in BELGIUM !

- BRUXELLES - Brussels here www.eventbrewery.com
- On November 20th from 08:30 am till 8:00 pm
- 3000 qualified visitors - 6000 registrations.
- 150 speakers exhibitors (do you need the list ?). all the leaders of E COMMERCE - E MARKETING - RICH MEDIA - DEMATERIALISATION and TV IP
- 400 000 prospects & 72 waves of communications.

E COMMERCE & E MARKETING WORLD : www.ecommerceparis.fr
E BUSINESS BRUSSELS : www.ebusinessbrussels.be

Vendredi 12 Octobre 2007

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